The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening was and is one of the best games of all time. Back in July 2013 when I started this LP, I set out to make if not one of the best LPs of all time, at least a personal best. I think it turned out pretty well, but it took me a while - I didn't finish until September 2018. There were a few factors in this, partly events in my personal life reducing the time I had to waste on let's plays, partly my ridiculous working method meaning each update took forever to make. In 2013 I was assembling my GIFs from hundreds of screenshots, and doing the whole project on a laptop whose touchpad, limited keyboard, and inadequate screen resolution made everything more difficult than it needed to be.
Parts 1 through 9 took me from July 2013 until March 2014 to finish (about eight months), after which I took a long break from let's plays. Then in early 2018 I did a few smaller LP projects before picking Link's Awakening back up in July and completing parts 10 through 25 by September (about two months).
Table of contents:
Intro: Link's Unconsciousness
Part 1: Link's Awakening
Part 2: Link's Violence
Part 3: Link's Mystery
Part 4: Link's Tale
Part 5: Link's Rescue
Part 6: Link's Walk
Part 7: Link's Bottle
Part 8: Link's Enrichment
Part 9: Link's Castle
Part 10: Link's Counterrevolution
Part 11: Link's Key
Part 12: Link's Ocarina
Part 13: Link's Date
Part 14: Link's Desert
Part 15: Link's Angle
Part 16: Link's Ghost
Part 17: Link's Necklace
Part 18: Link's Maw
Part 19: Link's Grapple
Part 20: Link's Face
Part 21: Link's Rooster
Part 22: Link's Tower
Part 23: Link's Help
Part 24: Link's Turtle
Part 25: Link's Awakening
Extra: Post Game Post
Side updates: Percy's Awakening
Part A: Percy's Awakening
Part B: Percy's Irresponsibility
Part C: Percy's Theft
Part D: Percy's Escape
Partway through the LP, someone asked why I was playing the original version instead of the GBC port, Link's Awakening DX. My answers:
And I stand by them. It's a great game, I hope you like my LP.
Parts 1 through 9 took me from July 2013 until March 2014 to finish (about eight months), after which I took a long break from let's plays. Then in early 2018 I did a few smaller LP projects before picking Link's Awakening back up in July and completing parts 10 through 25 by September (about two months).
Table of contents:

Extra: Post Game Post
Side updates: Percy's Awakening
Part A: Percy's Awakening
Part B: Percy's Irresponsibility
Part C: Percy's Theft
Part D: Percy's Escape
Partway through the LP, someone asked why I was playing the original version instead of the GBC port, Link's Awakening DX. My answers:
I had the original as a kid, basically. The colourised version doesn’t look right to me.And:
Plus it would probably blow out the file size of the gifs.
I haven’t played DX so I may have it all wrong, but Link’s Awakening is a game that does so much with so little. Adding colour seems like gilding the lily.
And I stand by them. It's a great game, I hope you like my LP.
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