I said I was done, and I thought that I was, but here's Percy again. As usual, he's dropped all his progress.

So, as always, we set off for the beach to get the sword back. Hey! Percy! The beach isn't that way! Oh, he'll figure it out when he gets stuck at the heavy rock blocking the eastern exit from town.

Or not. What just happened?

This is a pretty well-known glitch in Link's Awakening. Press select at just the right moment as the screen transition starts, and when you exit the map Link will be at the same point on the screen he was when you pressed select, but the screen will have changed to the one you were transitioning to. The little pause at the start of this gif is me checking I'm not about to teleport into a tree.

This trick lets you bypass any obstacle, so long as you have a screen to transition from and a clear place to land.

I'm not sure why the Piece of Heart is collected along the way, but I'm not complaining.

This works pretty simply on the overworld map, where everything is smoothly connected, but what about underground?

I can stick myself in the wall, for one. Fortunately, there's only one tile of wall here and I can jump back out. Teleport into something thicker and you can get stuck.

I try the same wall again, and this time I land slightly further to the left and am able to jump to the next screen. Where Bow Wow appears, for some reason, but only functions some of the time. This is the cave south of the Witch's hut, quite a few screens south of the moblin cave I started from. I think what's going on here is that the underground, just like the overworld, consists of a big contiguous map, you just can't normally move from one section to another. I'd guess when you enter a cave the game puts relevant things into memory, and Bow Wow is showing up because he's a feature of the moblin cave and so has been put into memory, but the game doesn't expect him to be there in the other cave so he acts a bit off. Anyway, I'm not equipped to escape this cave, so I have Percy lose all his hearts to get away. In retrospect, I could have held all the buttons for a soft reset instead.

I try one of the other walls and wind up in a phone booth. Or just outside it, I suppose, unable to do anything other than fall repeatedly. The booth is again a bit off: instead of the house tiles, there are cave walls and floors, and the chest is replaced with I don't know what. Plus the phone is resting on a potato statue instead of a desk.
Anyways, that's it! More determined people than I have thoroughly explored what can be done with this glitch and some others, and I linked to a video LP of that sort of thing back in the first post of the thread. I haven't watched it since back then, but I thought it was pretty good at the time. Doing a full-glitch minimum items etc. LP run of the game would be interesting, but I have my limits. I've LP'd Link's Awakening enough.
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