A small boat drifts in stormy seas.

A desperate sailor struggles to remain afloat.

The boat is stuck by lightning and the world fades to white.

A woman walking on the beach finds an unconscious man.

The camera pans up to reveal a giant egg at the peak of the mountain in the background.

Welcome to Let's Play The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening!
Having grown up a Sega kid with a Game Boy, Link's Awakening was my first Zelda game (aside from maybe Soliel), and it's shaped my expectations of the series since. Why can't I make Link jump in the other games? Anyway, although I still think of it as my favourite Zelda, I haven't actually played it since the '90s. As such, this will probably be a sort of semi-blind LP. Maybe it'll all come back to me, or maybe I'll get stuck all over the place. When I was a kid I started over after getting stuck in I think the sixth dungeon, only to find when I got back to where I was that I just hadn't bombed the right wall. Hopefully that won't be happening this time.
I'll be playing the Game Boy version rather than the Game Boy Color remake, Link's Awakening DX, because it's the one I know (I've owned a copy of DX for years, but never got around to playing it). This would also apparently allow me to break the game over my knee if I knew how to do it. Sadly, I don't. If you're interested in that, I recommend MeccaPrime's amazing video LP.
Well, on with the game!

Which save slot should I use? I'm pretty sure this makes no difference at all. I'll go for 3.

And what's my name? We've got five characters to work with, and the options to fill them in are upper case letters, lower case letters, and empty spaces.
Next time:
My name.
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