When we left off, Link had just opened a path into the Mysterious Forest north of town. Now he enters it.

That owl shows up again.
Hoot! Ho, brave lad, on your quest to wake the dreamer! Welcome to the Mysterious Wood!
Much of mystery you will find on this uncharted Koholint island! I'm afraid you may find it a trifle difficult to leave the island while the Wind Fish naps.
... By the by, have you ever visited the Tail Cave,
I wonder if that's the one by the Tale Keyhole?
which is south of the village? Go there with the key you find in this forest... The Wind Fish is watching... Hoot!

On the next screen north I fight some Goblin types (Moblins, I guess? There aren't any monster names in the manual). One of them drops something interesting:

Sweet! This'll only last a short while, but it'll be good while it does.

Just look what it does to the sword in my HUD! Anyways, I head north again:

With my piece of power, my attacks do more damage (killing these enemies in one hit instead of two), and also propel enemies further away. Pretty cool!

I take the only exit, to the right, and forget to get a screenshot before killing the two moblins I find. Oh well. South of that is another block I can't pick up and a chest behind it that I can't reach. That's frustrating!

Luckily I have something nearby I can take it out on. Afterwards I go two screens north. Is that an enemy?

I start to take a swing at it, but it talks me down. Man, I know what it's like to have allergies. That sucks.

The raccoon starts laughing at me when I go to leave, which makes me much less sympathetic towards it. Since it's threatening to get me lost, I check my map before continuing.

The next screen appears to be the same, but with a moblin instead of the raccoon. Checking the map again I find that I've actually gone two screens east and one south from where I was. That wily raccoon! how is that even possible?

I atomise the enemy and pick up some coin in the foliage, then head north to a pond and west to some more enemies. That moblin with the sword and shield is a tougher opponent than the regular guys: if you hit it on the shield you won't do any damage. Unfortunately I didn't get a gif of the fight. I'm sure there'll be another chance. There's a rock I can't lift on this screen. I wonder if there's anything under it?

heavy person should not stand on them!
Heading south I find an entryway with a warning sign nearby.

It's a cave, full of new things! There are floors with cracks around the edges of the room, a different kind of rock from what I've seen before, some kind of crystal, and what appear to be eyes in the holes in the floor.

The eyes turn out to be bats. This first one drops a guardian acorn. Nice!

I move quickly around the room to get it, making sure not to stand on cracked floors for too long.

I find that the crystals can be smashed with my sword, and the rocks pushed aside. Why, that means I'll be able to get to that chest! I just need to clear the crystal from the other side of the rock.

Unfortunately, I walk too far heading around the other side, and when I try to turn around the ground gives way underneath me.

I reappear at the entrance half a heart poorer, but I've blocked my own passage through the room. Luckily, this is remedied with a quick trip outside and back in.

I smash my way around the chest.

And push my way in front of it.

Very nice indeed! One advantage of this game being on a non-colour system is that there are no different coloured rupees, so the game cuts straight to the value, saving the player some time.

The next screen features these jelly dudes appearing out of the ground. I manage to take a hit from one.

The next screen is full of moveable rocks, along with two skulls that're too heavy to move. But that's ok, because I can reach that piece of heart by moving the two rocks above it without needing to move the skulls:

Oh. Must be the debris behind the rock stopping me from pushing it. I don't see a way to get through this room without pushing a rock onto debris, though, at least not without lifting a skull first.

Luckily I decided to try anyway, and was able to push a different rock despite the stuff behind it. So why can't I push the one up top?

you hold it over your head, a mellow aroma flows into your nostrils.
I wonder what this is for? Looks like it's an equippable item, so let's try it out!

in the woods. What is it for? You hold it over your head and a mellow aroma wafts into your nostrils
Well, that's not very informative.

Heading north, I kill an enemy with my shield, just for a change. Unfortunately, the path leads to a dead end. That chest is so close, but so far away! If only I had a way of crossing small holes...

Heading back, I manage to block myself in. Apparently I can't push this block up two spaces, only one.

I run into a similar problem on my second attempt. Am I trapped?

Nope, just dumb!

On the way out I drop a rock in a hole.

This single bush in the middle of four holes screams "hidden thing!", but I'm not able to find anything at present. Maybe when I have a shovel?

I didn't manage to catch it, but the slime splits into two smaller slimes when hit.

I find myself back at the screen the raccoon teleported me to earlier.

I retrace my steps but head north instead of south, and find another cave I can't enter.

Another piece of heart! And a heavy rock! Too bad I can't do anything about either right now.

A new enemy! Let's show 'em what for:

Yeah, that did not go well. I move on:

I dunno what this growth is. And another heavy rock!

I equip my toadstool.

care, as there's not much there! Why not try a bit in my hut?

A new item!

I try it out on the brazier in the room, and the lights go up!

I chase down the cat and sprinkle it with powder. Thankfully, it doesn't catch fire.

Ditto the witch.

And the pots in the room.

I head back and check the other path from the piece of heart. It's a dead end! The sign tells of two more places I can visit once I learn to lift rocks.

I get a few hearts from the enemies and grass on this screen, getting myself off death's doorstep.

Taking a left here I reach another path I can't cross. I need to find the southern entrance to this screen.

I go back to the raccoon and equip the powder I now have. It probably shouldn't have told me about its allergies:

It's Tarin!

Did Tarin dream he was a raccoon because he was one, or did Tarin become a raccoon because he dreamt it? And in either case, why was Raccoon Tarin such a jerk?

Tarin stays behind while I head north.

At last, I've reached this chest! Before I open it though, I just thought of something:

Another great use of the magic powder!

I'm sure that the sign said "Tale Cave".

This guy again:
Hoot! Take the key and go to the Tail Cave. Retrieve the Instrument that is hidden there! Go now! The Wind Fish is waiting! Hooot!

On the one hand, that owl told me to go back to the cave immediately. On the other, there's a path I haven't taken yet right there. The choice is easy. Plus it gives me a chance to try out another use for my powder. Fun as this is, I can't endorse setting living things on fire in real life. That's cruel.

Heading north, I see another building on the far side of some holes. Apparently the Gopongo Swamp is to the right. Heading that way I find another telephone booth (and another path across some holes).

I shoo away this new enemy type and enter the booth.

Aww, it's the same message I got in town. I guess wherever I go, Ulrira is still in the same place.

Here's the swamp. Maybe I'll see BowWow here later?

The water is shallow enough to wade in, but I'm finding myself unable to clear these flowers. That being the case, the only path I can take is south.

The big flowers shoot at me, which isn't very nice.

I carry on and find another cave entrance and chest I can't reach.

I switch to my powder. I assume that I tried it on the plants and got nowhere, but helpfully I failed to take any screenshots of it. In the first shot I had seven sprinkles, in the second only three. I also reached the dead end at the end/start of the swamp.

On my way back out I got some footage of one of the plants shooting at me.

I head back to town.


Marin starts singing again. Remember last time I mentioned that the dog stops to listen?

Link notices it too. Anyway, I head back down to the trendy game shop. I've got a shield to win!

This game is a lot harder when the targets are moving.

Hey, nice! What've I won?

Wow! At this rate of profit, I'd be a fool not to!

Aww, close one!

I play a few more times, but quit once I've got less money remaining than I came in with. I don't manage any more wins.

I leave town and return to the Tale Keyhole. Hopefully my Tail Key will work here. Tune in next time to find out!
The map:

My mission:
- Get strong enough to lift pots.
- Get strong enough to lift rocks.
-Enter the building at the north of town.
-Take the east exit out of town.
-Go east past the chest in the beach area.
-Get the chest near the entrance to the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock next to the pond in the Mysterious Forest.
-Get into the north cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock near the piece of heart surrounded by holes in the Mysterious Forest.
-Go south past the rock near the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
-Go to Crazy Tracy's place.
-Do something at Manbo's Pond.
-Head east from the Gopongo Swamp. - Get strong enough to lift skulls.
-Get the piece of heart in the cave in the Mysterious Forest. - Find a way across holes.
-Get the piece of heart surrounded by holes in the Mysterious Forest.
-Go east from the witch's hut.
-Reach the building to the north of the exit from the Mysterious Forest.
-Go north from the phone booth north of the Mysterious Forest. Enter the mysterious forest.- Win the moving prizes in the Trendy Game.
-Other Rupee - Buy a shovel.
-Dig up Bow Wow's kennel.
-Dig up the area above the Flying Rooster statue.
-Dig up the shells on the beach.
-Dig under the bush surrounded by holes in the Mysterious Forest. - Do something with BowWow in the Swamp.
- Clear the plants in the Gopongo Swamp.
-Enter the cave in the swamp.
-Get the chest in the swamp. - Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.
- Do something with the growth near the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
- Inspect the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
- Keep a look out for Papahl in the hills later.
Find Tarin in the forest.- Find something to do with the ribbon.
- Trade Sale some canned food for some bananas.
- Meet Sale's brother.
- Catch something other than a runt at the fishing pond.
Find the key for the Tale Keyhole.- Go through the gate next to the Tale Keyhole.
- Get revenge on the monkey.
- Kill the electric jelly.
-Try sword.
-Try powder. - Use powder on:
-Electric jelly
-Chickens - Open the chest at the south-east of the beach.
- Do something at the dead end bit of beach south of the chest.
- Do something about the bumpy bit of wall on the beach.
- Get a magnifying glass.
-Read 'Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint'. - Retrieve the instrument from the Tail Cave.
- Wake the Wind Fish.
- Get off the island, I guess?
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