Hoot! The many monsters of this island fear that the Wind Fish is about to awaken! The monsters' power is real! They may conquer the island and destroy their foes! That day may come soon! Now, go to the mountain tower! Fly like a bird! Hoot! Hoot!
We're back! I head out from the Face Shrine and the owl shows up again. Somehow it knows what the boss just told me about the island, and seeks to counteract it, reassuring Link that he's on the side of good and that the monsters are the enemy. Hmm. As an invader looking to destroy this place, I'm having some doubts.

'BRRING! BRRING! Hi, it's Ulrira! Have you heard of the Flying Rooster of Mabe Village? In the good old days, it used to give us rides if we held it above our heads... Now it is lying under the Weathercock... Is that useful for you? I hope so! Bye! CLICK!'
I jump in the water and make for the Animal Village. Along the way, I stop of to chat with Ulrira. The owl just suggested that I fly like a bird, and Ulrira's saying it used to be possible to get a ride from the Flying Rooster, which is under the Weathercock in Mabe Village... And I just got a more powerful Power Bracelet... Hmm. Anyway, I head for the Animal Village and find that the bunnies have returned to their starting positions. Has Marin stopped singing?

Aaaah, Little Marin... I want her to come back again...Her song is the best...
Have you heard of the Flying Rooster? They say it lived in Mabe Village a long time ago... I wonder if it's true...
I dreamed that I turned into a carrot last night... What an odd dream...
Eh? How can an animal talk? How? Hey, I'm just a rabbit, so I don't know!
Sure enough, Marin is gone. I wonder where she went? The rabbits have new dialogue, one of which gives another hint about the Flying Rooster, one of which is about a carrot dream. To my knowledge, the latter is just for colour, not something for Link to do. Anyway, the reason I came here is to revisit the desert and try again to interact with the skulls.

They don't react to the Frog's Song of Soul, and I still can't lift them. I guess they're just decorative. I try the song out on some other bones in the desert with similar results. Even the one that comes alive to the powder doesn't react. So I set off for my next goal: the moving skulls in the cave across the bay. Along the way, something happens:

As I emerge from the water, the mermaid reappears.

An artist once asked me to pose for him, and he wanted a scale, too... Can the legend of the Magnifying Lens be true...?
I guess I'm finding this clue a little late. Sadly, there's no way to get Link to show her the lens that she's wondering about and he's carrying with him.

In the cave, I try lifting the skull, and this time succeed. I didn't manage it without taking a hit, but the fairy it drops more than makes up the lost health. I wonder if I've been able to do this since getting the L-1 Bracelet, or if it's only become an option since I got the L-2?

I take my revenge on the other moving skulls in the cave, though each one lands a hit.

The little crabs underneath the skulls seem to run away once they're uncovered. Link has many fine qualities, but a capacity for mercy isn't one of them.

While I'm in the area, I check the beach where Marin likes to hang out, but she's not there. I also try the mysterious cave nearby, and finally there's something in there. Let's talk to this guy:

I found a good item washed up on the beach... I'll trade it to you for what you have in your B Button...
It offers to trade for something, without telling me what it is. I offer the Power Bracelet mk.2, but it's not interested. I check my inventory and decide the shovel seems like the least essential item, and it's accepted.
You got the Boomerang in exchange for the item you had.
I get a Boomerang.

Give me back the Boomerang, I beg you! I'll return the item you gave to me!
If you talk to it again, you're asked to return the Boomerang. You're not given the option to outright refuse, but I select "Not Now". It's kind of like when my phone wants me to upgrade its firmware.
Oh, yeah, uh... okay, whatever.
The phone is usually pushier about it, though.

I try out the Boomerang. It flies across the room in a straight line, then follows Link on its return path.

Seems pretty effective against enemies, too.

I use the Ocarina to jump to Manbo's Pond and resupply on revival potion, and then head for the graveyard to see if the Frog's Song can raise the dead.

Nope! I tried this on all the screens of the graveyard, with and without ghosts and zombies onscreen, and found nothing. Oh well.

I set off for Richard's Villa, since I have killing the moving skull underneath it on my list. Along the way I stop through this cave and try my Boomerang out on one of these wall crawling things, with success! Blink and you'll miss it, but it drops a fairy.

For all its power, the Boomerang can't kill a moving skull. It does work on the bug underneath, though, and can even be used to pick up the Rupee it drops. That task completed, I head back to Mabe Village.

I learn that the Boomerang will cut long grass. It doesn't do the short stuff, unfortunately, but still, that's handy.

Marin isn't at her house or in the square. I wonder where she's gone? I guess she'll turn up eventually.

I thought I might be able to lift the Flying Rooster statue with the L-2 Power Bracelet, but instead Link can now push it to reveal a stairway.

Inside I find a cave with what appears to be the skeleton of a bird. This makes sense: the statue says on it "Here Sleeps The Flying Rooster". A very deep sleep.

I play the Frog's Song of Soul, and the soul of the rooster enters the room and revives the skeleton. Lucky!

'BRRING! BRRING! Hi, it's Ulrira! You are doing great! Your efforts will end soon... By the way, have you visited the Hen House on the mountain? There is a cave nearby with something important in it. Bye! CLICK!'
Obviously my first instinct after this miracle is to tell Ulrira about it. He's thrilled, and offers encouragement. I have visited the Hen House, but it's time to do it again. As soon as I polish off a few more items on my list.

I head back to the square and pick up the Rooster. It lifts me into the air. This should help with some of the gaps I need to cross.

I set off for the big gap outside Kanalet Castle. Along the way I try something out, throwing the Boomerang and then lifting the Rooster. The Boomerang follows Link around, but can't reach him, creating a mobile death zone underneath him. And it picks up the Rupee for Link to collect when he comes down.

By lifting the Rooster I am able to cross the gap. Hooray!


I also head back to the Animal Village to try going down this well. Sadly, I still can't do it. I guess it's just decorative.

The going is much more trying from this point! You have only two more tasks to accomplish! The first is in the east part of the mountains, the second in the west. Go! The Wind Fish grows restless!
I take the teleporter to the foothills and start heading up the mountain. The exposition owl shows up again (twice in one update!). Apparently the true Link's Awakening starts here, though I doubt I'm gonna see anything to compare with the boss of Bottle Grotto for difficulty (I'm tempting fate with that statement, of course).

Wow! Amazing! That rooster is actually flying! It's just like I said, eh? Have you tried to hold him over your head? Cluck Cluck!
As I head up the mountain, I try using the Rooster to cross the cracked rocks, but it doesn't work. It is helpful for getting around obstacles without having to switch tools all the time, though. Then I stop by the Chicken Man's place for a visit. He's suitably impressed by the Rooster.

I take the Rooster to the big gap in the cave under the Chicken Man's place, and successfully cross it.

I get the Bird Key and head back over the gap. On the way to the Bird Keyhole, I come across this gap. I've already made it to the other side with the hook shot, but now that I have the Rooster why not try flying over?

Turns out you can't make a screen transition while holding the Rooster. Or go from the lower level to the higher. Oh well.

Near the top I manage to kill a moving skull without taking a hit from it first. I do fall in a hole in the process, though.

I use the Bird Key on the Bird Keyhole, causing the tower to rotate until its door is visible. That's quite a feat of engineering and architecture. I head inside to find:

Level 7-- Eagle's Tower.
Next Time:
Eagle's Tower.
I haven't been anywhere new today, so no map.
Find yet another way to cross long gaps.
-Cross the gap to the left of the Kanalet Castle gates.
-Cross the gap in the cave below the Chicken Man's house.- Find a way to get past cracked (but non-explodable) rocks.
-Get past the cracked rock north of the phone booth near Write's place.
-Get past the cracked rocks on Mt Tamaranch.
-Get past the cracked rocks on the mountains east of Mt Tamaranch.
-Get past the cracked rock blocking the cave entrance at the peak of the western Tal Tals. Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.Find a flying chicken.- Poke suspicious walls with the sword.
Figure out how to kill the moving skulls
-Kill the moving skulls in the cave to the right of the lake above Richard's house.
-Kill the moving skull in the cave under Richard's house.
-Try lifting them again.Do something in the cave on the beach.- Find a demon to double my arrow carrying capacity.
Use "The Frog's Song of Soul" to liven up something unliving.
-Try the Flying Rooster Statue.
-Try at the graveyard.
-Try the big skulls in the desert.
-Try the skeleton of the Flying Rooster.Find something really heavy to lift/push.
-Try desert skulls.
-Try moving skulls.
-Try Flying Rooster Statue.Get the bird key in the cave below the Chicken Man's house.Use a key in the Bird Keyhole.- Explore Eagle's Tower.
- Get past the flamethrower in the cave in the western Tal Tals.
- Go right four times, then up four times, in the passageways of the Egg.
- Find the eight instruments.
-Find the Full Moon Cello.
-Find the Conch Horn.
-Find the Sea Lily's Bell.
-Find the Surf Harp.
-Find the Wind Marimba
-Find the Coral Triangle
-Find the two remaining instruments. - Play the eight instruments in front of the Wind Fish Egg.
-Wake the Wind Fish. - Get off the island, I guess?
This thing is really starting to come back under control, isn't it?
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