Hello again! Long-term readers of this LP may remember I did a couple of side updates playing as "Percy". Here's another one! The plan this time is to show off an alternative way to get the bow.

Sorry boss, I lost your save file.

I dunno what I did with the save from the previous Percy updates, so I have to start over, heading back to the beach to get the sword. Then I cut grass until I have ten rupees.

I turn those ten rupees into two hundred and ten rupees at the Trendy Game. It's kinda dull. Luckily for you all, this isn't a video LP.

I use my gains to buy the shovel, which causes the shop to start stocking the bow.

If you walk behind the shopkeeper, he turns around to follow you, but there's some lag. It's possible to get behind his back, but if he turns back before you're out the door you'll be stopped.

I keep trying, and on my fourth or fifth attempt I make it!

So proud!

Percy celebrates with some animal cruelty. Sorry boss, I lost my morals when we went through that door.

The next thing to show off relating to this requires having someone say my name. Marin's dialogue at this point doesn't include it, so I get some powder from the game and use it on Tarin, causing him to go home and go to sleep. Let's go see Marin!

She knows what we did! Let's go back to the shop and see if we can return this thing and make it all better (warning: flashing):
![]() |

I save and quit, and on returning to the file select, Percy's name is still there as usual. The shopkeeper seems to have forgiven me, too. Perhaps my crimes are forgotten?

Nope! I believe everyone will call you THIEF for the rest of the game if you do this, and you'll deserve it.
That's it for Percy! Now, back to Link.
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