This LP originally posted in October 2010
My Hero was released in 1985 in arcades and in 1986 for the Sega Master System. As far as I can tell, it’s not particularly well known or well liked. That’s a shame, in my opinion, because the game is sweet as. Just check out the box art:

(Seen here with a later imitator)
I played it as a kid, but I think it was on borrowed or rented copies. A few years ago I found a copy second hand, coincidentally on the same day I got GOD HAND (hence the photo). It’s still pretty great, in my opinion. But don’t just take my word for it! I went through my old video game magazines for some professional opinions. I don’t have any from the 80s, so no original reviews, but I did find a few short descriptions. Let’s hear from the pros:
In February 1995 Sega Power included a pamphlet entitled “The Hard Line” with a short description of pretty much every Sega game to that point. Here’s what they had to say about My Hero:
Sega Pro included a similar segment in each issue, called “The Profile”. I got this from the October ’93 issue:
Personally, I think the game looks great, but I agree with Sega Power that the action is pretty decent. I can’t fault Sega Pro’s assessment that it’s simple, but I take issue with their view of the difficulty. Maybe I just suck, but I find My Hero to be super taxing. Also, I don’t think I’m the school bully type, but I love it anyway.
Alright, on to the game:





This is STEVE and his lady friend REMY.

This is MOHIKAN, THE ENEMY’S BOSS. I think he’s the guy getting punched on the cover of the game.

He’s kind of a jerk.

As STEVE collects himself, a HOODLUM comes over and knocks him down. He’s kind of a jerk, too.

STEVE starts again, one life down.

This time he kicks that villain so far he sees the curvature of the earth.

No big deal. Anyway, let’s see some moves!

This is the punch. Just like on the box art! I basically never use this.

This is the kick. I also never use this (except for demonstration).

This is the squat. Aside from being an awesome kung fu stance, it sets you up for:

The trip! This move is useful is some situations.

But not nearly so useful as the flying-kick. This is what you use in every other situation, which is most of them. Also, it looks cool:

What was Sega Pro talking about? “Looks dreadful.” No way!

So we start moving to the right. In my previous screenshot, my score was 500 points (from killing that HOODLUM), and I was standing at the left side of the second bench. I’ve now moved to the right of it and in doing so gained 310 points. That’s because the game recognises that moving forward at all is an accomplishment worthy of reward. I didn’t get any points for moving from the very left back to the bench though. You’re only rewarded for new progress.

As I move further into town, dudes start throwing bottles at me from high windows. Luckily, this is one of the situations where the trip move is useful.

By kicking the bottle, you send it flying forwards, and it sends any enemies it hits flying diagonally. You might notice that between the second and third screenshot above I lost a life. That’s because I stood a little too close under a bottle trying to kick it. Whoops.

I meet another KNIFE THROWER ENEMY. Without the aid of a bottle, I am undone. This is kind of embarrassing. I’ll start over.

This is more like it! I’m killin’ dudes with awesome flying kicks!

Oh. The guy on the left punched me from behind as I delivered a flying kick to the bottle. The good news is that the guy on the right is about to join his buddy above him flying away to the beyond.

So I get past this and someone starts throwing spiked balls at me. That’s not so bad, they’re easy to jump over.

Here you have to go under the balls. At the higher level you’ll be killed if you don’t squat. Luckily, squatting in this game is awesome.

The enemy step it up with BOMBs, then carelessly lit FLAMEs. This must be a sucky place to live.

In the second town, the HOODLUMs start jumping. That’s no excuse for my being killed by one who’s on his own, though. Back to the start!

This time around I get a bit further, and reach another situation where the trip is a useful move. These FEROCIOUS BULLDOGS only appear here. Apparently if you jump over them and then turn around and kill the last one, you get an extra life. I probably should have done that. Oh well.

Alright, this is the boss fight against MOHIKAN. You go at it, mano a mano. First to ten hits wins.

Things start well.





In the end, justice prevails.

MOHIKAN starts to cry, while STEVE lords it over him. REMY gratefully comes to her hero’s side. But suddenly:

MOHIKAN lashes out, taking STEVE by surprise! He kidnaps REMY again, and STEVE, after allowing him to walk off, sets out in hot pursuit.
That's it for today! Join us next time, for:

RD. 2!
My Hero was released in 1985 in arcades and in 1986 for the Sega Master System. As far as I can tell, it’s not particularly well known or well liked. That’s a shame, in my opinion, because the game is sweet as. Just check out the box art:

(Seen here with a later imitator)
I played it as a kid, but I think it was on borrowed or rented copies. A few years ago I found a copy second hand, coincidentally on the same day I got GOD HAND (hence the photo). It’s still pretty great, in my opinion. But don’t just take my word for it! I went through my old video game magazines for some professional opinions. I don’t have any from the 80s, so no original reviews, but I did find a few short descriptions. Let’s hear from the pros:
In February 1995 Sega Power included a pamphlet entitled “The Hard Line” with a short description of pretty much every Sega game to that point. Here’s what they had to say about My Hero:
Knife-throwing, gut punching horizontal scroller. Unfortunately, the cartoon graphics are quite an eyesore, but the ninja action’s pretty decent. *** (out of five).A ringing endorsement!
Sega Pro included a similar segment in each issue, called “The Profile”. I got this from the October ’93 issue:
This game looks dreadful. It’s a really simple beat-‘em-up and not very taxing. If you’re the school bully type, you’ll love it. 64% (out of 100%).Not quite so ringing.
Personally, I think the game looks great, but I agree with Sega Power that the action is pretty decent. I can’t fault Sega Pro’s assessment that it’s simple, but I take issue with their view of the difficulty. Maybe I just suck, but I find My Hero to be super taxing. Also, I don’t think I’m the school bully type, but I love it anyway.
Alright, on to the game:





This is STEVE and his lady friend REMY.

This is MOHIKAN, THE ENEMY’S BOSS. I think he’s the guy getting punched on the cover of the game.

He’s kind of a jerk.

As STEVE collects himself, a HOODLUM comes over and knocks him down. He’s kind of a jerk, too.

STEVE starts again, one life down.

This time he kicks that villain so far he sees the curvature of the earth.

No big deal. Anyway, let’s see some moves!

This is the punch. Just like on the box art! I basically never use this.

This is the kick. I also never use this (except for demonstration).

This is the squat. Aside from being an awesome kung fu stance, it sets you up for:

The trip! This move is useful is some situations.

But not nearly so useful as the flying-kick. This is what you use in every other situation, which is most of them. Also, it looks cool:

What was Sega Pro talking about? “Looks dreadful.” No way!

So we start moving to the right. In my previous screenshot, my score was 500 points (from killing that HOODLUM), and I was standing at the left side of the second bench. I’ve now moved to the right of it and in doing so gained 310 points. That’s because the game recognises that moving forward at all is an accomplishment worthy of reward. I didn’t get any points for moving from the very left back to the bench though. You’re only rewarded for new progress.

As I move further into town, dudes start throwing bottles at me from high windows. Luckily, this is one of the situations where the trip move is useful.

By kicking the bottle, you send it flying forwards, and it sends any enemies it hits flying diagonally. You might notice that between the second and third screenshot above I lost a life. That’s because I stood a little too close under a bottle trying to kick it. Whoops.

I meet another KNIFE THROWER ENEMY. Without the aid of a bottle, I am undone. This is kind of embarrassing. I’ll start over.

This is more like it! I’m killin’ dudes with awesome flying kicks!

Oh. The guy on the left punched me from behind as I delivered a flying kick to the bottle. The good news is that the guy on the right is about to join his buddy above him flying away to the beyond.

So I get past this and someone starts throwing spiked balls at me. That’s not so bad, they’re easy to jump over.

Here you have to go under the balls. At the higher level you’ll be killed if you don’t squat. Luckily, squatting in this game is awesome.

The enemy step it up with BOMBs, then carelessly lit FLAMEs. This must be a sucky place to live.

In the second town, the HOODLUMs start jumping. That’s no excuse for my being killed by one who’s on his own, though. Back to the start!

This time around I get a bit further, and reach another situation where the trip is a useful move. These FEROCIOUS BULLDOGS only appear here. Apparently if you jump over them and then turn around and kill the last one, you get an extra life. I probably should have done that. Oh well.

Alright, this is the boss fight against MOHIKAN. You go at it, mano a mano. First to ten hits wins.

Things start well.





In the end, justice prevails.

MOHIKAN starts to cry, while STEVE lords it over him. REMY gratefully comes to her hero’s side. But suddenly:

MOHIKAN lashes out, taking STEVE by surprise! He kidnaps REMY again, and STEVE, after allowing him to walk off, sets out in hot pursuit.
That's it for today! Join us next time, for:

RD. 2!
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