Here we are again, just outside of town, facing the excitement of exploring the prarie!

First let's try taking the teleport. As expected, it takes me to the one I used earlier and back again.

Another little distraction before getting on with the game: Let's visit Crazy Tracy.

Tracy sells me a potion that'll bring me back to life when I die. I sure coulda used that back in Bottle Grotto. She also heals me back to top form.

Outside her place is Manbo's Pond. I don't seem to be able to do anything here yet.

The shovel and magic powder do nothing. Oh well.

On the way back I revisit an old friend, and after some difficulty with my aim I manage to blow it up. It doesn't even drop anything! Oh well.

I get back to the prarie. Time to explore!

On the next screen some snake things come at me out of the ground. I make short work of them with the sword.

Then I dig up the whole screen for no real reason. There is secret stuff hidden underground in some places, but if I add "Dig up every square of every screen" to my to-do list it might slow this LP down even more. Anyway, I guess I came out a few rupees ahead, so not a total waste.

The next screen is crawling with hole snakes, but it's the bubbly wall on the left that catches my eye.

I blast my way in, and am quickly evicted.

None of these can be pushed, so it looks like I won't be getting to that chest until I find a way to get past those crystals. One more thing for the list!

The next screen features an unusual tree ornament. The shape, insect buzzing nearby, and my vague memories of the game all suggest to me that this is a beehive full of delicious honey that I'll be claiming for my own at some point. For now, attacking it with my sword and trying to blow it up both fail to achieve anything.

The wall at the back is much more susceptible to explosives, though, and I meet a helpful fairy and once again get my health back.

Continuing south I find a pig's head made of rock. I'm guessing I'll have to come back later with more powerful bombs or something to get through here.

Or not! Huh. I wonder what the point of that was.

On the next screen I fight some flying enemies. Well, one jumping and one flying. They're both pretty annoying. I still haven't figured out a way to kill the mushrooms, in fact.

Apparently there's a castle to the east. Since my only options for leaving this screen are north and south, that's not very helpful. I go south, and the path winds west. I guess the castle is the other way. I can't remember if I've learned to swim yet or not.

Looks like not.

I dig up the screen hoping for some health drops, but no dice.

I carry on around a field, getting further and further from Kanalet Castle as I go. Looks like I've found Richard! You might remember old man Ulrira advising me to visit him in the last update. For that reason, I won't be going in there until I've fully explored the overworld. I don't wanna advance the plot before I'm ready, because the way I play video games is pathological.

Also there's a hole in the ground under the plant outside Richard's place. Great.

Carrying on I find the Slime Keyhole. Gross.

Continuing north I find myself back at the teleporter.

I find another telephone to the southwest, but Ulrira just tells me about Richard again.

Carrying on south I find some lengthy holes in the ground. Let's jump over!

Nope. Oh well.

I head back to the sign pointing to the castle and go north, finding another phone booth, where I get the same message from Ulrira.

To the right is another T-junction.

Once again there are snakes in the ground, but this time there are spiders, too. I hate spiders, so I don't stick around.

I do take the time to read the sign, for completeness. Looks like I've found the castle. Also looks like I can't get into it.

To the left of the gate is a series of holes I can't get across. To the right is a monkey.

The monkey doesn't seem to be able to pronounce the word bananas, but is able to pronounce a picture of them. Anyway, I give to Kiki.

In return, Kiki's friends build me a bridge. These guys are a lot nicer than the monkey on the beach!

On the bridge I find a loose stick. Score!

There it is in my inventory, next to the potion Tracy gave me.

Even though it risks advancing the plot, I try my luck with this side path into the castle. There's yet another phone booth and a couple side paths into water that I can't use yet before I find a promising set of stairs in the ground.

My goomba-stomping skills have improved.

I emerge behind the castle and take a look around the perimeter. There's a bunch of knight guys around. I should probably have taken a closer look at the guy poking his head from underground and the crow, both of which I just walked past. Whoops.

Hunh? It sounds like the castle gate opened! You can easily leave the castle now!
I kinda rush through the castle, but I do at least stop to step on the conspicuous switch in the fourth room, opening the front entrance.

I seem to have neglected to screenshot some of the castle. Oh well.

The door at the north end of this room slams shut as you enter, and I can't seem to open it.

I leave, getting a screenshot of the room I missed on the way in as I go.

Leaving the castle I head back to where the monkey was and go south a few screens to find:

The Seashell Mansion! Presumably something good will happen in there!

I score another seashell! That's... kind of lame, actually.

I head out and come back in, and the bar on the right climbs slightly higher. Looks like each wooden block represents two and a half shells, so you get a prize at five, ten, and fifteen?

Trimming the grass on the next screen I find another secret seashell. Something good will happen pretty soon at this rate.

I carry on past a bunch of moblins. Looks like I'm approaching the Animal Village! But first, this cave:

Ah. Guess I'll come back later.

I demonstrate my inability to learn by hitting one of these jellies with my sword, and find that the path to the Animal Village is blocked by this river.

I go back and skirt the edges of moblin territory here to find another dead end.

This rock hides another seashell.

Someone is swimming in the water to the south. Once I learn to swim I'll have to pay a visit. For now, I wander around until I reach this cave entrance.

Inside I find what looks like a liftable skull, but turns out to be a hidden enemy. I have not yet figured out how to kill it, and I don't have the HP at the moment to stick around and experiment. Lifting doesn't seem to work, but perhaps explosions will?

The next two rooms are full of them, and I hurry past.

Outside I kill moblins, cut grass, and dig holes until I'm not so close to dying.

Continuing south I pass another telephone booth, fail to get a good screenshot of the secret seashell under the bush near the mermaid statue, find another path underground that I don't think I can reach yet, and am stopped from reaching a bush that probably has something under it by more water. I get the feeling I'm not supposed to be here yet.

I think I've seen this dead end before, near the dark house by the beach. No idea how to reach the closed off area with the jelly up there.

I make my way back through the cave and eventually to the lake near Richard's place. Last time I was here I went down the right side of the trees. This time I'll go left.

A series of islands allow me to jump across to the entrance currently locked by the Slime Keyhole.

But I can't go in there yet, so I take the stairs to the roof where I find a suspicious pattern of grass on the ground. Sure enough, I find a Secret Seashell (and a rupee) when I dig there! Man, those things are everywhere today.

I head back across and cut the bushes blocking me from the field south of here. Underneath I find holes. Can I jump across holes onto the next screen?

I cannot.

I head around to talk to Richard.

Salutations! You wouldn't know by the look of me, but I used to live in the castle! My servants went berserk and I was forced to flee to my villa... So, you want the key to Ukuku Prairie, do you? I may be able to help you... Let's make... a deal, shall we? I want you to retrieve the Golden Leaf I left behind in the castle when I fled...
I say "Okay".
Smashing! To tell you the truth, there are five leaves, and I want them all! Oh, you'll need to do some digging, so buy a shovel! Are you off then? Good luck!
Richard is apparently some kind of aristocrat. Judging by the way he changed the terms of our deal after I agreed to it I'd guess his servants kicked him out because he was cheating them somehow. Normally I'd be on the side of the worker in these situations, but it looks like Richard won't give me the key to progress in the game unless I go murder his former employees and steal their stuff. I try talking to him again:

He seems to be saying the same stuff. I'll press cancel to back out of the conversation:

Whatta jerk! I guess that counts as saying no to his request.

I smash up his stuff and hit the road.

I head back to town and stock up on bombs. I've got an idea for how I might get through the locked door at the end of the castle.

I head back into the castle, stopping to check out these things in the walls of this room. They don't respond to pushing, so I move on.

In the next room, I kill the enemy with thrown bombs. Sure enough, a gold leaf appears and the door opens. I tell ya, I'm a smart guy!

Sadly, the door slams shut again when I reach the next room. Darn.

And it's still shut when I get back. Nuts.

I try bombing the wall, to no avail.

I go back and kill it again, but the door remains closed. Argh. I guess Richard said that there were five leaves? Maybe I'd better find the other ones first. For now, though, time for a break.
Next time:
Probably leaves and slime?
Here's the map:

I'm not sure how to get to that owl statue to the right of the lake above Richard's place. I'm guessing it's something in the cave underneath it, but I'll need to figure out how to take on the moving skulls before I play around in there.
Here's the castle, top floor on top:

And here's the current list:
Get strong enough to lift rocks.
-Go to Crazy Tracy's place.
-Do something at Manbo's Pond.- Find a way to get past crystals.
-Explore the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
-Get the other chest in the Dream Shrine.
-Get the chest in the cave northwest of the pig head rock.
-Get through the cave two screens south of Seashell Mansion. - Find a way to cross long gaps.
-Get the chest near the crystals in the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
-Cross the water east of Angler's Tunnel.
-Get the chest in the north cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Get the piece of heart in the cave south of the witch's hut.
-Cross the gap east of the dilapidated house.
-Cross the gap south of the phone booth just outside of town.
-Cross the gap to the left of the Kanalet Castle gates.
-Reach the stairs south of the Mermaid statue.
-Cut the bush on the island in the lake north of Richard's place. - Learn to swim.
-Explore the waters and caves near Angler's Tunnel.
-Visit the person swimming in Martha's Bay.
-Explore the waters of Martha's Bay.
-Cut the bush on the island southwest of the Mermaid statue. - Find a way to get past cracked (but non-explodable) rocks.
-Get past the cracked rock north of the phone booth near Write's place.
-Get past the cracked rocks on Mt Tamaranch.
-Get past the cracked rocks on the mountains east of Mt Tamaranch. - Find the key to Angler Keyhole.
- Find the key to Slime Keyhole.
- Help Richard.
-Find five gold leaves.
-Murder all his servants.
-Do something with the wall carvings on the second floor of Kanalet Castle.
-Get through the door into the last room of Kanalet Castle. - Get into, and explore, pothole field.
- Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.
- Do something with the Mermaid statue.
Inspect the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
-Do something at the grave west of the witch's hut.- Keep a look out for Papahl in the hills later.
Find something to do with the bananas.- Find something to do with the stick.
- Meet Sale's brother.
- Help Mr Write receive a letter.
- Find out where Tarin's gone.
- Do something with the beehive in the prarie.
- Get to the owl statue to the right of the lake above Richard's place.
-Figure out how to kill the moving skulls and explore the cave under the owl. Kill the electric jelly.
-Try arrows.
-Try bombs.- Buy a bow.
- Do something at the dead end bit of beach south of the chest.
- Do something in the cave on the beach.
- Reach the piece of heart in the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
- Get to the other side of the hole in the cave two screens east of Angler's Tunnel.
- Kill the flying mushroom south of Angler's Tunnel.
- Do something in the house east of the beach.
- Get into the closed off area northeast of the house east of the beach.
- Collect a lot of secret seashells.
-Have something pretty ordinary happen.
-Have something good happen. - Get a magnifying glass.
-Read 'Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint'. - Find the six remaining instruments.
- Play the eight instruments in front of the Wind Fish Egg.
-Wake the Wind Fish. - Get off the island, I guess?
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