And we're back! When we left off, I'd just flipped off a cliff. From here, I have two choices: go east on level ground, or head south off another cliff.

I take the only realistic option available to me. Hey, what's that thing? I'll approach it cautiously:

I can't flip it! Have I been misled regarding the abilities of this shield?

It starts spitting rocks at me, so I run away the coolest way I know how.

Link's shield may not be as good at flipping as Link himself, but it does block projectiles OK.

The left path is a dead end, so I head down onto the beach at the right side. Two horrifying horned creatures emerge from the sand.

They prove as immune to flipping as everything else so far, but they do recede into the sand, allowing me to make my escape.

On the next screen I attempt to escape into the ocean, but find myself pushing up against it instead. Discouraged, I head inland.

More spikes!

I get out my trusty shield and push through.

This is solid advice that I don't really need. I head right, and find:

A dead end! I retrace my steps, when suddenly:

I screw up! This is what I get for being cocky about the warning sign.

I'm more careful on the next screen, bumping my way to safety. Back on the second screen I visited in this update, I walk to the west rather than succumb to the temptation offered by the cliff edge.

Unfortunately, I get hit again on the next screen. Even more unfortunately, I didn't get enough shots to make a .gif of it.

On the plus side though, I did manage to capture Link's first kill on Koholint.

Here's his second.

A mysterious structure! What could it be?

I don't know what that means. I try the gate, but it gets me nowhere.

I backtrack from the dead end and realise I've missed something important:

Much better.

I head right and find a spot of beach that I'd missed. Along with some driftwood, a suspiciously sword-shaped object has washed up.

As I approach it, a bird shows up.

lad who owns the sword... Now I understand why the monsters are starting to act so violently... A courageous lad has come to wake the Wind Fish... It is said that you cannot leave the island unless you wake the Wind Fish... You should now go north, to the Mysterious Forest. I will wait for you there! Hoot!

Monsters, a mysterious forest, an island you can't leave? It appears that Link is LOST. Maybe later in the series he'll travel through time.

I step into the shallows and take back my sword. Link seems pleased!

Writing his name on stuff is one of Link's many endearing behaviours.

As is spinning around.

Killing things for their shinies is a little less endearing. But hey! I've got a rupee now! Nine more and I can go fishing!

On the next screen I kill a crab. Sadly it doesn't drop the heart I am becoming desperately in need of.

On the screen after that I do manage to score a heart, but I lose half of one in the process. Oh well. That's a net gain! I attempt to go around the cliff into the ocean, but can't. Also of note on this screen is a conspicuously bumpy spot of wall.

On the next screen is a monkey in a tree throwing things at me. I don't seem to be able to reach it with my sword, but I score a few more rupees knocking the projectiles out of the air. I decide to try to build up some cash (and hopefully some hearts):

It doesn't go as well as I'd hoped, and soon the little devil throws a bomb at me.

I managed to dodge it, but it's clearly time to leave.

It seems that chests can only be opened from the front in this game. I'll have to come back when I can lift heavy rocks. To the south is another dead end. I bet there's something there, but I don't know how to find it yet.

I start heading back and manage to slip past the monkey without further injury, which leads me to this house surrounded by banana trees.

Bananas! I'm Sale, this is my house! Actually, my hobby is collecting rare and unusual canned food. My brother is an artist, so I guess strange hobbies run in the family!
This guy is a bit odd. I wouldn't say that art is as strange a hobby as collecting canned food, but we'll almost certainly be meeting Sale's brother later in the game, maybe he'll turn out to make strange art or something. I fully expect to be coming back here later to exchange a can of something for some bananas, too.

I guess the local carpenter on Koholint must be pretty good.

I can neither take nor kill these bananas.

I think that that's everywhere I can get to down here for now. I'll find out for sure when I put the map together later. For now, I head back to town. On the way I pick up a Guardian Acorn.

It doesn't show up in my inventory and I think that the smallest increment of damage I can take is half a heart (which is all I have at the moment) so I'll die on the next hit anyway, but I guess it's nice to find a thing. I manage to make it back to town without getting hit again, and the grasses I cut on my way in drop some hearts for me. Say, now that I can cut grass I can access this cliff edge:

Aww yuss! A few more of those and I won't be so close to dying all the time!

I decide to see if BowWow likes my sword. He doesn't seem to notice. When I show it to the other dog I get more of a reaction.

I try attacking a chicken. It's a long time since I played this game, but I still remember what happens when you attack a chicken. Man, though. This is taking forever. I'm starting to feel bad about myself, behaving like this.

Oh no! Chickens from all angles! I would've got a longer .gif of it before running away, but I was worried I would die.

The A and B Buttons move the crane...The rest is just timing! Go over to the buttons to play! Good Luck!
I use my sword to clear the grass around the Trendy Game shop, and inside I find the TRENDY GAME. I've got the ten rupees it costs, so I give it a go (I made a .gif of this, but I can't get the upload to work so I had to make a still. Sorry gang!):

I take the easy option and get the one item that isn't moving.

Say, isn't there something Yoshi Doll related on my to do list?
There is! I'll have to remember to visit the family.
- Find a Yoshi Doll for the baby.

Now this is what swords are made for.

Hey, what's that thing?

If you collect a lot of these, something good is bound to happen!
Neat! There were a lot of seashell shapes in the sand at the beach. Once I get a shovel I should go dig them up and see if I can find some more of these. If so, then something good is bound to happen!

I apply myself diligently to clearing the area of grass, which scores me a couple more rupees and my health back.

I still can't afford the shovel, so I go clear out some more grass east of town.

And outside the family home. Unfortunately, with several seconds having passed since I won the Trendy Game, I forget to stop in and deliver the Yoshi Doll.

look for toadstools, but I'd rather sing. Listen to this, it's called the 'Ballad of the Wind Fish.'

She starts singing. Unfortunately, this being a screenshot LP, you can't hear her. Fortunately, they put in an animation for you to watch instead. A nice touch here is that the dog stops moving around and hops in place listening while Marin sings.

Just as Marin said, Tarin isn't in the house either. I head back to the fishing pond, which I was too poor for last time.

I'm not really sure how the aiming works. Maybe you're supposed to do it after casting? I tried to do it before and it didn't seem to do anything:

I caught something!

Aww. I don't have the cash to try again, but the fisherman just tells me to come back another time.

I head back to another foe that stumped me on my first visit. Then I remember the Yoshi Doll:

Oh thank you! You are indeed a generous person! Ah! I will give you this in return!

you can trade the ribbon for something else!
This is the first trading quest I can remember encountering. I read about it in I think Nintendo Magazine System (the Australian Nintendo magazine, whose name was a joke I didn't get until years later) before I got the game. Somebody wants that ribbon, and they'll give me something for it, which I'll trade for something else, which I'll trade for something else, and eventually I'll get a reward I can use. I think. I don't actually remember where it ends up. The canned food Sale wants and the bananas he'll give me in exchange will be part of it.

The spot in my inventory where the Yoshi Doll was is now occupied by the ribbon.

I head back to the entrance to the Mysterious Forest.

I clear a path.
And I'm done for the day!
Here's the updated map:

No, that isn't right! Here's the updated map:

And my to-do list:
See what else washed up with me on the beach.- Get strong enough to lift pots.
- Get strong enough to lift rocks.
-Enter the building at the north of town.
-Take the east exit out of town.
-Go east past the chest in the beach area. Figure out how to get past long grass.
-Get into the Trendy Game shop.
-Cut down the field of grass in town.
-Jump into the well west of town.
-Enter the mysterious forest.- Win the moving prizes in the Trendy Game.
-Other Rupee - Buy a shovel.
-Dig up Bow Wow's kennel.
-Dig up the area above the Flying Rooster statue.
-Dig up the shells on the beach. - Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.
- Keep a look out for Papahl in the hills later.
- Find Tarin in the forest.
Find a Yoshi Doll for the baby.- Find something to do with the ribbon.
- Trade Sale some canned food for some bananas.
- Meet Sale's brother.
Go fishing.
-Catch something other than a runt.- Find the key for the Tale Keyhole.
- Go through the gate next to the Tale Keyhole.
- Get revenge on the monkey.
- Open the chest at the south-east of the beach.
- Do something at the dead end bit of beach south of the chest.
- Do something about the bumpy bit of wall on the beach.
- Get a magnifying glass.
-Read 'Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint'. - Wake the Wind Fish.
- Get off the island, I guess?
I go up a screen and see what happens.
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