Hello again. When we left off, Link had just recued BowWow from a cave full of moblins.

Apparently a path is gonna open in the swamp, but until I can move these rocks I won't be able to get in from this side.

Having BowWow with me has advantages: he eats enemies. How exactly did those moblins manage to kidnap him?

I appear to be in the foothills of Tamaranch Mountain.

That owl shows up again, trying to deter me from exploration.

I head south into the crow forest again. I want to see if BowWow can eat these guys.

Turns out that he can. Nice!

I head back up and go right. BowWow makes short work of this guy. Is it my imagination or do the moblins around here look piggier than the ones from earlier in the game?

Anyways, it seems I can't really go anywhere up here.

My trusty pooch and I start heading swampward.

Being blocked out, we have to go around.

I was waiting for BowWow to eat this guy and I fell in a hole. Pretty sloppy play.

In the house is Will Wright. He's kind of a sad guy in this game. Maybe we'll help him get a response at some point?

I attempt to attack his bird, but it dodges. Maybe I could hit it on landing, or burn it with powder, but I've killed enough animals lately.

Heading north I find more stones I can't lift. What do they hide?

I've been taking a lot of damage this update because I've been expecting BowWow to eat all the enemies for me. I take out this moblin for myself, though.

Is the 20 rupee message sarcastic? Maybe a Ren and Stimpy reference?

I'll have to come back for this chest, because I can't lift the skull. I do some fruitless digging.

A couple nice action shots here. Not shown: me falling down a hole.

I get trapped in a pancake stack for a little while. I was waiting for BowWow to eat it off me, but no such luck.


Hey, what's with this rock?

Despite its cracked appearance, it doesn't seem to be explodeable. Oh well.

Mountain? They say the Wind Fish is sleeping inside of it... Why? I don't know either...

...Outside the island? What is 'outside?' I've never thought about it...
Heading south I find myself at the telephone booth. The swamp is just to the right, but I decide to swing back through town first, see if I can screw things up by taking BowWow back too soon. I make a slight detour to see these kids again and learn a little about the island. Apparently they don't get a lot of visitors.

Back in town I take another detour to fulfil an audience request:
And speaking of the dog-chomp/chainless chomp/puppy chomp in the doghouse, maybe you should get to know it better. Strike up a conversation some time!

it all! Sigh... And some new accessories would be nice... Oh! That Ribbon! I need it! Will you trade for my dog food?
It's the next step in the trading quest! I probably would not have found this by myself for a long long time! I choose to be generous:


BowWow appears to be happy for me. Probably wants the food. Too bad, BowWow! I know a guy on the beach who collects canned food.

brought my baby back! Now, would you be a dear and take him for a walk? It would really help me out a lot! You will?! Thanks!
I wanna point out that I was not actually given a choice here.

Ulrira. The Indigestible Flowers of Goponga Swamp... Those flowers are BowWow's favourite. Why don't you take him for a walk there? CLICK!'
The people of the town seem back to their cheery selves, and Ulrira has some new advice for me. In case I'd forgotten all the things telling me to go to the swamp next (and given that I'm back in town instead of the swamp, signs suggest that I have), he points me that way.

I restock on bombs before heading back to the beach to get some bananas.

canned food! For heaven's sake, man, give that [can] to ME!! PLEASE!
He's hysterical! What do you do?

I decide to be a jerk.

He takes it pretty well. Maybe I will give it to him:

a fair trade, but here's some bananas! YUM...
Sale apparently keeps the things he collects in his stomach. Kinda wish I'd been recording for a .gif at this point. Oh well.

One step closer to wherever this trading quest ends up.

Maybe the monkey would like some bananas?

Not anymore, I guess. Nice work, BowWow!

Heading back to town, I find that Tarin's bed is empty.

Marin doesn't seem to be aware. What could this mean? I honestly don't know, but since this seems to have been triggered by my getting the bananas my guess is that I'll be giving them to Tarin at some point.

With nothing apparent left to do, I take BowWow into the swamp.

He eats the flowers, clearing a path for me.

He even eats the big flowers, allowing me to reach the treasure chest in the swamp:

Very Nice!

Lastly he eats the flowers stopping me from entering the cave in the swamp.

I step inside and find Level 2-- Bottle Grotto.
Next time:
Level 2-- Bottle Grotto.
The map:

- Get strong enough to lift pots.
-Open the chest in the first room of Bottle Grotto. - Get strong enough to lift rocks.
-Enter the building at the north of town.
-Take the east exit out of town.
-Open the chest at the south-east of the beach.
-Go east past the chest in the beach area.
-Get the chest near the entrance to the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock next to the pond in the Mysterious Forest.
-Get into the north cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock near the piece of heart surrounded by holes in the Mysterious Forest.
-Go south past the rock near the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
-Go to Crazy Tracy's place.
-Do something at Manbo's Pond.
-Head east from the Gopongo Swamp.
-Enter Ukuku Prairie
-Go down the stairs surrounded by rocks south of the Witch's hut.
-Lift the rocks in the crow forest.
-Go north above the moblins' hideout.
-Lift the rocks north of Write's place. - Get strong enough to lift skulls.
-Get the piece of heart in the cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Open the chest in the cave north of Write's house. Find a way across holes.
-Reach the building to the north of the exit from the Mysterious Forest.
-Go north from the phone booth north of the Mysterious Forest.Clear the plants in the Gopongo Swamp.
-Enter the cave in the swamp.
-Get the chest in the swamp.Do something with BowWow in the Swamp.- Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.
- Inspect the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
- Keep a look out for Papahl in the hills later.
Find something to do with the ribbon.Trade Sale some canned food for some bananas.- Find something to do with the bananas.
- Meet Sale's brother.
- Help Mr Write receive a letter.
- Find out where Tarin's gone.
Get revenge on the monkey.- Kill the electric jelly.
-Try sword.
-Try powder.
-Try arrows. - Do something at the dead end bit of beach south of the chest.
- Do something in the cave on the beach.
- Get past the cracked rock north of the phone booth near Write's place.
- Get a magnifying glass.
-Read 'Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint'. - Explore Bottle Grotto.
- Find the seven remaining instruments.
- Wake the Wind Fish.
- Get off the island, I guess?
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