Hello again! I'm back, and I've brought more LP. When we left off, I'd just finished Bottle Grotto, and gained the strength to lift bottles in the process. Now, there are a lot of items on my to-do list related to lifting. Let's find out if I'm strong enough to lift rocks as well as bottles:

I surely am! Time to explore:

The upper parts of these screens were previously inaccessible to me. Let's see what's up those steps:

and dreamily in the Egg above... When you play the eight Siren Instruments in front of the Egg he will awaken. This, my friend, is the only way for you to leave the island. Hoo!

The owl leaves and I find out that I've struck Mt. Tamaranch. Say, can I lift those rocks at the side of the screen?


Up top is the Wind Fish Egg, and a nice view of the ocean behind it.

I don't seem to be able to do anything, so I head back down.

More rocks, just waiting to be lifted!

And a cave to enter.

I switch quickly to my shield and get knocked back outside.

I regroup, do better, and reach the next room. To get to those stairs I just need to push aside a few blocks:

With the lamps shooting at me it's more easily said than done, though.

I get there in the end.

I find a short underground passage.

must be some way to tackle this obstacle.
I find an unreachable piece of heart and a crystal thing poking out of the ground. Well, I know what to do with obstacles:

Or not. It won't lift!

Or explode, neither!

I'm pleased to discover that I can lift skulls, though. I'll have to make a note about the crystals here on my to-do list.

Outside the cave I get some cash. Since I haven't figured out a way through the rocks to my right, there's nothing left to do but go back.

Boy, my health isn't so good right now.

The top of the mountain is a dead end for the moment, and fortunately an unpopulated one, given my health. I start digging in the hopes of finding some health drops.


I get back to exploring while continuing my search for health.

Heading east I find what looks like a probable dungeon entrance.

Or maybe it's behind this waterfall.

Yep, according to the map the dungeon is on the waterfall screen. But I've only completed two dungeons so far: I'm looking for level 3 at present. I carry on to the right:

What's this thing?

Oh hey, I think I read about this in the library. Once I find a few more of these I'll be able to jump from one to another and save time on travel.

The next screen has a stair leading down, but I don't know how I'm going to cross this hole with that rock in the way.

Back on the surface I try my hand at swimming. Turns out Link doesn't know how. Oops.

Heading south I find I'm hemmed in by water. I'll have to turn back.

On the next screen I find this flying mushroom. I try jumping to attack it but don't seem to be able to do any damage. Guess I'll come back later.

I guess that's as much of this area as I can reach at present. That long eastward protrusion is gonna unbalance my map at the end of this update!

I make my way back through the swamp. Maybe I should call Ulrira, get a reminder of what I'm supposed to be doing:

I guess that would be the right thing to do.

First though I have skulls to lift.

I guess each rupee brings me closer to the bow, but it's hard not to be disappointed when I get boring old money from a chest.

Lifting these rocks turns up nothing new.

Mr Write has nothing new to say, even after I smash up most of his stuff.

I stop through this cave in the forest, but I can't reach that chest yet.

Lifting this rock yields a more promising cave.

I powder the altar and this devil type guy curses me with the ability to carry twice as much powder. It seems like a bonus now, but when Link has chronic back pain later in life he'll regret this moment.

You collected four Pieces of Heart. Now, you have a complete Heart Container!

Heading back to the forest cave and lifting the skulls nets me another piece of heart, popping my health total up to six heart containers. Sweet! I carry on to the blocked off chest near the forest entrance and score a secret seashell. You know, if I collect a lot of these, something good is bound to happen.

Time to take Bow Wow home.

ciate what you did for my poor, precious BowWow! You are such a nice boy! How can I ever repay you? I know...

L-l-lucky! Maybe I should have held on to BW, seen how far I could get with him. Oh well. My screenshots will be cleaner without him bouncing all over the place, and I won't have to spend forever making my .gifs loop cleanly without him or his chain messing it up.

Marin has some new dialogue.

I was hoping my newfound strength would let me do something with the rooster, but no dice.

Papahl has disappeared. Probably in the hills. While he's out I trash the family's bottle supply.

East of their house I lift the rocks and enter this strange building for a nap.

I seem to be dreaming about a dungeon.

The enemies in here mirror my movements, seem to be invincible, and do a lot of damage to my health on contact.

They can be jumped over, fortunately.

The third room proves too much on this first attempt.

I spend a fair bit of time dying over and over, and unfortunately didn't get great screenshots of actually getting through. Basically, the first two screens you just jump over the enemies. On the third screen I bumped the frontmost enemy with my shield (the sword probably would have worked as well), knocking it back into line with the other two and making the group of three short enough to jump over. Then you jump over the other two. The fourth room has a line of four enemies (not shown): just bump them with the shield until they're bunched up and then jump over them. What've I won for my efforts?

Am I?

I won't be able to get the other chest, which I'm sure has something actually good in it, until I figure out a way past these crystals.

Shrine there... They say there's something good inside... ... I better not say anything else as I'm just a kid!
Note that even after waking up, I still have the extra hundred rupees. In my personal experience, things I dream about getting usually aren't still there when I wake up. I guess it's different on Koholint.

This looks like the way forward with the game. As such, I'm going back to explore my other options.

...Have you met everyone on the island? There's a man named Richard who lives in Pothole Field, southeast of the village. Why not pay him a visit? That's all I can tell you for now! Bye! CLICK'

I head back through the forest. There are still some rocks in need of being picked up around here! This one is no use, though.

I didn't screenshot this well, but when I entered this screen there was a bush on the spot where I've dug a hole. When I dug there a seashell came out.

Heading north I come to a grave. I push and pull from every angle, and even try to dig it up, but nothing is happening.

Entering this cave I find myself unprepared. I have no bombs, so I can't blow up this rock. I head up the steps instead.

They take me to the graveyard. I take the chance to smash some rocks in the crow forest and near the witch's hut, finding nothing. That last rock opens a path to the prairie. I wasn't planning on going there until next update, but the alternative is going through the mysterious forest again so screw it.

I find my second teleporter and make a beeline for town to get some bombs.

On the way back I stop through this cave for some cash. I also lift the two skulls while I'm there, but they aren't hiding anything.

Back in the cave I blow up the obstruction.

Then I realise that I have no way of crossing this gap even with the rock out of the way. Whoops.

the rapids on a raft? You can, near Tal Tal Heights! You ought to try it!
I head back through town and stop by Sale's place. He has something new to say, but that's not why I'm in the area.

I score a little more money and keep exploring.

I smash the pots and lighten up the place, but it just goes dark again.

Continuing east I find another gap I can't cross. Oh well, back to town.

I head back to the eastern exit and clear a path, ready to face whatever awaits me in the eastern prarie. This would be more dramatic if I hadn't already passed through here. Oh well.
Next Time:
I expect we'll meet Richard.

This thing's getting pretty big.
Get strong enough to lift rocks.
-Enter the building at the north of town.
-Take the east exit out of town.
-Open the chest at the south-east of the beach.
-Go east past the chest in the beach area.
-Get the chest near the entrance to the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock next to the pond in the Mysterious Forest.
-Get into the north cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Lift the rock near the piece of heart surrounded by holes in the Mysterious Forest.
-Go south past the rock near the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
-Go to Crazy Tracy's place.
-Do something at Manbo's Pond.
-Head east from the Gopongo Swamp.
-Enter Ukuku Prairie
-Go down the stairs surrounded by rocks south of the Witch's hut.
-Lift the rocks in the crow forest.
-Go north above the moblins' hideout.
-Lift the rocks north of Write's place.Get strong enough to lift skulls.
-Get the piece of heart in the cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Open the chest in the cave north of Write's house.- Find a way to get past crystals.
-Explore the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
-Get the other chest in the Dream Shrine. - Find a way to cross long gaps.
-Get the chest near the crystals in the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
-Cross the water east of Angler's Tunnel.
-Get the chest in the north cave in the Mysterious Forest.
-Get the piece of heart in the cave south of the witch's hut.
-Cross the gap east of the dilapidated house. - Learn to swim.
-Explore the waters and caves near Angler's Tunnel. - Find a way to get past cracked (but non-explodable) rocks.
-Get past the cracked rock north of the phone booth near Write's place.
-Get past the cracked rocks on Mt Tamaranch.
-Get past the cracked rocks on the mountains east of Mt Tamaranch. - Find the key to Angler Keyhole.
- Do something with the Flying Rooster statue.
Inspect the gravestone next to the witch's hut.
-Do something at the grave west of the witch's hut.- Keep a look out for Papahl in the hills later.
- Find something to do with the bananas.
- Meet Sale's brother.
- Help Mr Write receive a letter.
- Find out where Tarin's gone.
- Kill the electric jelly.
-Try sword.
-Try powder.
-Try arrows.
-Try bombs. - Do something at the dead end bit of beach south of the chest.
- Do something in the cave on the beach.
- Reach the piece of heart in the cave in the mountain to the east of Mt. Tamaranch.
- Get to the other side of the hole in the cave two screens east of Angler's Tunnel.
- Kill the flying mushroom south of Angler's Tunnel.
- Do something in the house east of the beach.
- Collect a lot of secret seashells.
-Have something good happen. - Get a magnifying glass.
-Read 'Dark Secrets and Mysteries of Koholint'. - Find the six remaining instruments.
- Play the eight instruments in front of the Wind Fish Egg.
-Wake the Wind Fish. - Get off the island, I guess?
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