There's a switch here somewhere...


This looks familiar...

Different portrait, though...

Same determination! What is all this?

Welcome to Let's Play Psychic World! Again! This is the version for Sega Game Gear. Like the SMS version, it's a remake of the MSX game from 1991. For anyone unfamiliar with the Game Gear, it's basically a portable Master System (so much so that you can play SMS games on it with a bridging cartridge) with a lower resolution (160x144 to the SMS's 256x192) but an increased range of colours.
The GG version is the most widely available, releasing in Japan, Europe, North America, and Brazil, where the MSX version was Japan-only and the SMS confined to the PAL regions. It's also got the worst cover, at least in Europe and North America. What were they going for here? Who's the guy with the moustache? Dr. Knavik? He's supposed to have a beard and no moustache. Is the sphere supposed to represent a crystal ball, or the Earth? It looks like the cover artist just had the title to go off, and so did a picture of a Psychic looming over the World.

You might expect, since the SMS and Game Gear are so similar, that the GG version is just a straight port of the SMS game, maybe modified to suit the lower resolution, or else the SMS a copy of the GG game, but it's not so. Both games appear to have been developed separately based off the MSX version, though they do have a few things in common that do not appear in on MSX. I'll try to point it out as we go. The first thing to note is that the images in the intro were redrawn and there are fewer of them on Game Gear. The text is the same, though. Also, the Game Gear has an actual Start button. You can't just press button 1 to play this version. Let's hit it!

The stage intros are generally simpler, and Lucia has been redrawn! Presumably this was to improve her appearance on the tiny lower-resolution screen.

Lucia starts the game dropping from the sky as her health and ESP meters fill up. The HUD has been redesigned to take up less of the screen, so you no longer get the title of the game down there and it only shows the current ESP attack instead of the full grid. Note also that unlike the SMS version but similarly to the MSX, you can see the lab in the background.

Lucia again starts with Psy-cannon, and accesses power selection by pressing down and jump together. As always, I am unable to make myself press down before pressing jump. Unlike the other versions, bringing up this menu pauses the game, which Tsunetomo Sugawara, one of the creators of the MSX version, doesn't like, but which I find very welcome. Lucia starts with access to Shield in this version.

And gets Teleport very soon after.

Yep, that's teleport. You get an ESP refill after using it, so it's basically free, but you can't use it if you're out of ESP.

The first stage pretty closely resembles the SMS version, though there's only about a screen between the third and fourth shots in the above image. The mountain is wider on SMS, and doesn't appear at all on MSX.

This bit is in the mountain area on SMS, for example.

But the SMS doesn't have below ground bits. Here's the first midboss:

It's harder to dodge than in the other versions, and it drops Hydro-wave which you normally get from Super Chimera G. When I go to activate Shield, you might notice the cursor moving in one direction and then going in the other. I forget whether pressing left moves the icons to the left, or moves the cursor to the left (by moving the icons to the right), but whichever it is it's the opposite of how I expect it to behave.

Here's Hydro-wave in action. Nowhere to go from here but down, so let's see what's next:

What what what? We've reached level 2! Eagle eyed readers might have noticed that the back of the box mentions four fantastic worlds instead of the SMS's 5 or the MSX's 8. There are still some stages cut altogether, but the GG version actually has more of the MSX version's stages represented by combining two worlds into one round.

It's pretty much the same stuff we've seen before. The purple palette is closer to the MSX version than the SMS one, though I prefer the latter.

I think this room has been present in all versions.

It's the boss, Grand Chimera! It drops Burning Bullet this time. Lava King Sidekick is sadly absent from this version of the game.

Round 2 is the Ice Field. The animation is a little less involved than on SMS, but still pretty neat, and sticks to the pattern of not resembling how the character controls in game.

This area is pretty familiar.

I like how Lucia closes her eyes when she's sliding.

The MSX version of this stage mostly goes downwards. SMS and GG feature climbs, though they're different in each.

This guy's a bit tougher than in the other versions, though not by much.

Here's the back half of the stage, starting from the lower right and moving to the upper right. If I'd realised how long it was when I started making this image I might not have done it. Just to the right of center on the lower level there's a spot with some downward facing spikes. On the other versions you can duck on the ice to slide under them. In this version, the ice stops just before the spikes, so you wind up crouched underneath them, unable to move forward without taking a hit. Cruel. Of course, if I could get my head around the idea of pressing jump while holding down instead of the other way around I could have activated Shield to get away safely. Oh well.

I once again struggle to get into a position to attack Glacier, and once again take it out pretty quickly once I do.

Round 3 is the Ruins. This looks like World 4 on MSX, which wasn't featured in the SMS version.

The first area is a straight run over some uneven ground while snakes come at you. One of them drops Levitation.

It doesn't last long at level 1.

Carrying on we reach the Pyramid. We're now in level 4 on SMS or 5 on MSX. It's grey.

And it has these levitation things.

My first death in this version!

But not my last. You might have noticed one of those deaths was not like the others:

After dying a few times I decided to use Teleport to grind for powers and health a little bit. After one too many Teleports, the game started to glitch out. It was just a visual thing, and I managed to make my way into the Pyramid even without really being able to see, but it persisted until I died. I thought I was going to have to restart, so it was a relief to see things back to normal after dying. I'm not sure if that's the game's fault or something going wrong in the emulator, but it was my last attempt to grind in this game.

The stage is fairly similar to the MSX version.

Even features these guys, though they're outside the Pyramid on MSX.

The wizard/demon shows up again, dropping a pitiful partial ESP refill on death.

Here's Cooling Down, the last attack power.

And Explosion makes an appearance. I didn't go through the door in the middle of this area, so I'm not sure what's through there. The two doors at the top I think just lead to different spots on the next screen.

A few more screens on and we reach the door to the boss:

It's our old friend Wired, looking sort of halfway-between the SMS and MSX versions. It's only now looking at this version that I realise the big dot at the top left of Wired isn't its eyes, which are just below that.

The fortress intro is a little shorter than on SMS.

The stage itself more closely resembles the MSX version, though with the SMS version of the robot swordswoman.

I manage better against her when I remember to use Shield. I'm not sure how you'd beat her without it, to be honest.

The beams make another appearance. The two doors in the third screenshot here just start you on different sides of the screen in the fourth shot.

The maze is basically the same as in the other versions, though this time it features empty rooms, mid-bosses from earlier in the game, and ordinary enemies.

There's a simpler version of the MSX's levitation room.

And we reach Cecile. Once again the GG version is closer to the MSX version than on SMS.

Unlike on MSX though, and similarly to SMS, you have to use Cooling Down to get past. As an aside, I just started seeing the box-like platforms on this screen as upside down faces. Maybe I have spent too long with Psychic World.

Once again I make my way to the brain controlling Cecile.

You have to cycle through each attack three times, which is a pain in the neck.

I enjoy this explosion animation.

The plot is much the same, though the pictures are redrawn. Not for the better, I think, though I do like this take on human Knavik.

As on SMS, you only control Lucia for the final showdown.

That million dollars line still seems weird to me.

Unlike in the other versions, here the shooting star is clearly shooting upwards, as Knavik's spaceship flees the scene.

And here are the people responsible. In the interview I linked earlier, Tsunetomo Sugawara says that one of the programmers was a fan and wanted to remake the game. I guess that's either T. Asano, who was also credited with programming on the SMS version, or Kou, who gets special thanks here and a programming credit on SMS. I tried to look a little into who these people are, and so far as I can tell most of them have credits on various SMS games. Kanchan, credited here with planning and design, may be Kanako Kohyama, who would also work on the Game Gear version of Wonder Boy III and the later Westone game Dark Half. That's all I got.

Hope you've enjoyed this quick look at yet another version of Psychic World!
Look! A shooting star! Let's make a wish for bonus material.
Gotta have that bonus post, eh?

Here are the three versions of Lucia. The SMS one is the same as the MSX one but with more colours lending a little more detail and without the consistent hair part. The Game Gear version is one pixel shorter and a little wider. Sadly, on Game Gear Lucia's hair part also changes sides when she turns around.

Here's the Japanese box art, which is way better than the western version in my opinion. The portraits on the back do appear in the western manual, at least. The image of Lucia might look familiar to skater types who are familiar with the Hook Ups skate brand (I am not, I saw it on this post when googling for info on this version of the game). I'm not going to claim Hook Ups stole their image from Psychic World, but I am going to post the two versions next to each other:

Left: Hook-Ups, 1993. Right: Sega, 1991. You decide. The Japanese text there:
ジュルミ クライン
Jurumi Kurain
Jeremy Klein is the founder of Hook Ups.

Unlike the SMS version, the Game Gear version has Japanese text on a Japanese console.
1st Panel:
19XXねん, ゆうだいなしぜんの なかにたつ けんきゅうじょがあった. そこでは ナビックはかせの もとで ESPのけんきゅうがおこなわれていた.
19XXnen, Yuudainashizenno Nakanitatsu Kenkyuujogaatta. Sokodeha Nabikkuhakaseno Motode ESPnokenkyuugaokonawareteita.
19XX age, majestic nature of inside there was a laboratory. Where Doctor Navik by the way research on ESP had been conducted.
Uh, so... "The year: 19XX. In a majestic forest there was a laboratory where Dr Knavik conducted research on ESP". This is taking forever and not giving particularly interesting results. Let's skip ahead:
8th panel:
まっててね セシル
Mattetene Seshiru
Please wait Cecile
9th panel:
かならず たすけだ すからね!
Kanarazu Tasukeda Sukarane!
Always I help that's it!
I'll help you for sure!
I'm guessing this "always" is where the "certainly" in the fan translation comes from? Anyway, it seems to me that the official translation of this line, "Hang in there, Sis. I'll save you!" is a good localisation.

This guy only appeared in a still shot in the main run of the GG version. Take a look at the damage dealt by it in a few seconds. Geez!

セシル! セシルじゃないの
Seshiru! Seshirujanaino
Cecile! Is it not Cecile?
セシル どうしたの
Seshiru Doushitano
Cecile what's wrong?
This is the same as on MSX. I guess the first panel might be put as "Cecile, is that you?" rather than the English GG/SMS version's "Cecile! Why, it's you!", but it's pretty close between versions. The ellipsis translation is spot on. In the last panel you see Lucia teleporting back to the start of the stage because I accidentally chose the wrong icon while cycling through the attacks against the last boss. I was not pleased.

1st panel:
セシル! しっかりして
Seshiru! Shikkarishite
Cecile! Firmly
I guess that would be "Cecile, hold on!"
4th panel:
おねえさん はかせのやぼうを そしして!
Oneesan Hakasenoyabouwo Soshishite!
Sister the ambition of the doctor by preventing!
Google translate gives an alternative for "the ambition of the doctor" as "a magical dude". "Sister, stop the magical dude!". The official version is "Lucia, stop him!", but if you wanted to get wordy you could go with "Stop the doctor's plan, Sis!".
5th panel:
The experiment seems to have succeeded.
Official version: "My experiments worked!"
6th panel:
Panels 7 and 8 are too long for me, so here's 9:
おまえたちのやくめはおわった ふたりなかよく しめがいい!!
Omaetatinoyakumehaowatta Futarinakayoku Shimagaii!!
Your schedule has ended two friends shame is good
Google translate isn't helping much here. The official version is "You have served your purpose", which I guess approximates to "Your schedule has ended", "It's time for you to die", which I can't figure out but makes a lot more sense than I'm getting. This part of the text isn't in the MSX version. Any help?
10th panel:
I will not forgive you!
Official version is "You're not getting away with this, Knavik!", which gets to the same point and is probably something an English speaker is more likely to say.

1st panel:
We did survived us.
Official: "Looks like we made it."
2nd panel:
Official: "Thank goodness!"
3rd panel:
おねえさん けんきゅうじょが あんなに とおくにみえるわ.
Onesan Kenkyuujoga Annani Tookunimieruwa.
Sister laboratory so much it looks in the distance.
Official: "The lab looks so far away." MSX: "Look sis, you can see the lab from here."
4th panel:
Official: "It sure does."
6th panel:
セシル, だいじょうぶ?
Seshiru, Daijoubu?
Cecile, I am gonna be fine?
Official: "Are you all right, Cecile?" MSX: "More importantly, aren't you hurt, Cecile?"
7th panel:
だいじょうぶ おねえさんは?
Daijoubu Oneesanha?
I am gonna be fine sister is?
Official: "Yes, how about you?" MSX: "I'm OK. And you?" Yimothy: "I'll be fine. How about you, Sis?"
8th panel:
As you see.
Official: "I feel like a million dollars" MSX: "I'm as OK as I look"
I thought this was a strange line in both translations. I'm trying to come up with something better and not doing well. "I look OK, don't I?", I guess.
9th panel:
あっ, ながれぼし! なにかねがいごとしましょう.
A!, nagareboshi! Nanikanegaigotoshimashou.
A shooting star! Let's make a wish.
Official: "Look! A shooting star! Let's make a wish." MSX: "A shooting star! Let's make a wish."
Google translate gives なにかねがいごとしましょう as either "Let's make a mistake" or "Let's something wish". The compromise position seems more likely.

And that's it! For real this time! Unless someone can point me to another version or a fan remake or something (please do!), I've run out of Psychic and Psycho Worlds to explore. I hope you've enjoyed it and don't think I'm a lunatic for devoting all this effort to LPing the game three times over. Thanks for reading, thanks in advance for help with these last few translations. It looks like we made it! I feel like a million dollars.


This looks familiar...

Different portrait, though...

Same determination! What is all this?

Welcome to Let's Play Psychic World! Again! This is the version for Sega Game Gear. Like the SMS version, it's a remake of the MSX game from 1991. For anyone unfamiliar with the Game Gear, it's basically a portable Master System (so much so that you can play SMS games on it with a bridging cartridge) with a lower resolution (160x144 to the SMS's 256x192) but an increased range of colours.
The GG version is the most widely available, releasing in Japan, Europe, North America, and Brazil, where the MSX version was Japan-only and the SMS confined to the PAL regions. It's also got the worst cover, at least in Europe and North America. What were they going for here? Who's the guy with the moustache? Dr. Knavik? He's supposed to have a beard and no moustache. Is the sphere supposed to represent a crystal ball, or the Earth? It looks like the cover artist just had the title to go off, and so did a picture of a Psychic looming over the World.

You might expect, since the SMS and Game Gear are so similar, that the GG version is just a straight port of the SMS game, maybe modified to suit the lower resolution, or else the SMS a copy of the GG game, but it's not so. Both games appear to have been developed separately based off the MSX version, though they do have a few things in common that do not appear in on MSX. I'll try to point it out as we go. The first thing to note is that the images in the intro were redrawn and there are fewer of them on Game Gear. The text is the same, though. Also, the Game Gear has an actual Start button. You can't just press button 1 to play this version. Let's hit it!

The stage intros are generally simpler, and Lucia has been redrawn! Presumably this was to improve her appearance on the tiny lower-resolution screen.

Lucia starts the game dropping from the sky as her health and ESP meters fill up. The HUD has been redesigned to take up less of the screen, so you no longer get the title of the game down there and it only shows the current ESP attack instead of the full grid. Note also that unlike the SMS version but similarly to the MSX, you can see the lab in the background.

Lucia again starts with Psy-cannon, and accesses power selection by pressing down and jump together. As always, I am unable to make myself press down before pressing jump. Unlike the other versions, bringing up this menu pauses the game, which Tsunetomo Sugawara, one of the creators of the MSX version, doesn't like, but which I find very welcome. Lucia starts with access to Shield in this version.

And gets Teleport very soon after.

Yep, that's teleport. You get an ESP refill after using it, so it's basically free, but you can't use it if you're out of ESP.

The first stage pretty closely resembles the SMS version, though there's only about a screen between the third and fourth shots in the above image. The mountain is wider on SMS, and doesn't appear at all on MSX.

This bit is in the mountain area on SMS, for example.

But the SMS doesn't have below ground bits. Here's the first midboss:

It's harder to dodge than in the other versions, and it drops Hydro-wave which you normally get from Super Chimera G. When I go to activate Shield, you might notice the cursor moving in one direction and then going in the other. I forget whether pressing left moves the icons to the left, or moves the cursor to the left (by moving the icons to the right), but whichever it is it's the opposite of how I expect it to behave.

Here's Hydro-wave in action. Nowhere to go from here but down, so let's see what's next:

What what what? We've reached level 2! Eagle eyed readers might have noticed that the back of the box mentions four fantastic worlds instead of the SMS's 5 or the MSX's 8. There are still some stages cut altogether, but the GG version actually has more of the MSX version's stages represented by combining two worlds into one round.

It's pretty much the same stuff we've seen before. The purple palette is closer to the MSX version than the SMS one, though I prefer the latter.

I think this room has been present in all versions.

It's the boss, Grand Chimera! It drops Burning Bullet this time. Lava King Sidekick is sadly absent from this version of the game.

Round 2 is the Ice Field. The animation is a little less involved than on SMS, but still pretty neat, and sticks to the pattern of not resembling how the character controls in game.

This area is pretty familiar.

I like how Lucia closes her eyes when she's sliding.

The MSX version of this stage mostly goes downwards. SMS and GG feature climbs, though they're different in each.

This guy's a bit tougher than in the other versions, though not by much.

Here's the back half of the stage, starting from the lower right and moving to the upper right. If I'd realised how long it was when I started making this image I might not have done it. Just to the right of center on the lower level there's a spot with some downward facing spikes. On the other versions you can duck on the ice to slide under them. In this version, the ice stops just before the spikes, so you wind up crouched underneath them, unable to move forward without taking a hit. Cruel. Of course, if I could get my head around the idea of pressing jump while holding down instead of the other way around I could have activated Shield to get away safely. Oh well.

I once again struggle to get into a position to attack Glacier, and once again take it out pretty quickly once I do.

Round 3 is the Ruins. This looks like World 4 on MSX, which wasn't featured in the SMS version.

The first area is a straight run over some uneven ground while snakes come at you. One of them drops Levitation.

It doesn't last long at level 1.

Carrying on we reach the Pyramid. We're now in level 4 on SMS or 5 on MSX. It's grey.

And it has these levitation things.

My first death in this version!

But not my last. You might have noticed one of those deaths was not like the others:

After dying a few times I decided to use Teleport to grind for powers and health a little bit. After one too many Teleports, the game started to glitch out. It was just a visual thing, and I managed to make my way into the Pyramid even without really being able to see, but it persisted until I died. I thought I was going to have to restart, so it was a relief to see things back to normal after dying. I'm not sure if that's the game's fault or something going wrong in the emulator, but it was my last attempt to grind in this game.

The stage is fairly similar to the MSX version.

Even features these guys, though they're outside the Pyramid on MSX.

The wizard/demon shows up again, dropping a pitiful partial ESP refill on death.

Here's Cooling Down, the last attack power.

And Explosion makes an appearance. I didn't go through the door in the middle of this area, so I'm not sure what's through there. The two doors at the top I think just lead to different spots on the next screen.

A few more screens on and we reach the door to the boss:

It's our old friend Wired, looking sort of halfway-between the SMS and MSX versions. It's only now looking at this version that I realise the big dot at the top left of Wired isn't its eyes, which are just below that.

The fortress intro is a little shorter than on SMS.

The stage itself more closely resembles the MSX version, though with the SMS version of the robot swordswoman.

I manage better against her when I remember to use Shield. I'm not sure how you'd beat her without it, to be honest.

The beams make another appearance. The two doors in the third screenshot here just start you on different sides of the screen in the fourth shot.

The maze is basically the same as in the other versions, though this time it features empty rooms, mid-bosses from earlier in the game, and ordinary enemies.

There's a simpler version of the MSX's levitation room.

And we reach Cecile. Once again the GG version is closer to the MSX version than on SMS.

Unlike on MSX though, and similarly to SMS, you have to use Cooling Down to get past. As an aside, I just started seeing the box-like platforms on this screen as upside down faces. Maybe I have spent too long with Psychic World.

Once again I make my way to the brain controlling Cecile.

You have to cycle through each attack three times, which is a pain in the neck.

I enjoy this explosion animation.

The plot is much the same, though the pictures are redrawn. Not for the better, I think, though I do like this take on human Knavik.

As on SMS, you only control Lucia for the final showdown.

That million dollars line still seems weird to me.

Unlike in the other versions, here the shooting star is clearly shooting upwards, as Knavik's spaceship flees the scene.

And here are the people responsible. In the interview I linked earlier, Tsunetomo Sugawara says that one of the programmers was a fan and wanted to remake the game. I guess that's either T. Asano, who was also credited with programming on the SMS version, or Kou, who gets special thanks here and a programming credit on SMS. I tried to look a little into who these people are, and so far as I can tell most of them have credits on various SMS games. Kanchan, credited here with planning and design, may be Kanako Kohyama, who would also work on the Game Gear version of Wonder Boy III and the later Westone game Dark Half. That's all I got.

Hope you've enjoyed this quick look at yet another version of Psychic World!
Look! A shooting star! Let's make a wish for bonus material.
Gotta have that bonus post, eh?

Here are the three versions of Lucia. The SMS one is the same as the MSX one but with more colours lending a little more detail and without the consistent hair part. The Game Gear version is one pixel shorter and a little wider. Sadly, on Game Gear Lucia's hair part also changes sides when she turns around.

Here's the Japanese box art, which is way better than the western version in my opinion. The portraits on the back do appear in the western manual, at least. The image of Lucia might look familiar to skater types who are familiar with the Hook Ups skate brand (I am not, I saw it on this post when googling for info on this version of the game). I'm not going to claim Hook Ups stole their image from Psychic World, but I am going to post the two versions next to each other:

Left: Hook-Ups, 1993. Right: Sega, 1991. You decide. The Japanese text there:
ジュルミ クライン
Jurumi Kurain
Jeremy Klein is the founder of Hook Ups.

Unlike the SMS version, the Game Gear version has Japanese text on a Japanese console.
1st Panel:
19XXねん, ゆうだいなしぜんの なかにたつ けんきゅうじょがあった. そこでは ナビックはかせの もとで ESPのけんきゅうがおこなわれていた.
19XXnen, Yuudainashizenno Nakanitatsu Kenkyuujogaatta. Sokodeha Nabikkuhakaseno Motode ESPnokenkyuugaokonawareteita.
19XX age, majestic nature of inside there was a laboratory. Where Doctor Navik by the way research on ESP had been conducted.
Uh, so... "The year: 19XX. In a majestic forest there was a laboratory where Dr Knavik conducted research on ESP". This is taking forever and not giving particularly interesting results. Let's skip ahead:
8th panel:
まっててね セシル
Mattetene Seshiru
Please wait Cecile
9th panel:
かならず たすけだ すからね!
Kanarazu Tasukeda Sukarane!
Always I help that's it!
I'll help you for sure!
I'm guessing this "always" is where the "certainly" in the fan translation comes from? Anyway, it seems to me that the official translation of this line, "Hang in there, Sis. I'll save you!" is a good localisation.

This guy only appeared in a still shot in the main run of the GG version. Take a look at the damage dealt by it in a few seconds. Geez!

セシル! セシルじゃないの
Seshiru! Seshirujanaino
Cecile! Is it not Cecile?
セシル どうしたの
Seshiru Doushitano
Cecile what's wrong?
This is the same as on MSX. I guess the first panel might be put as "Cecile, is that you?" rather than the English GG/SMS version's "Cecile! Why, it's you!", but it's pretty close between versions. The ellipsis translation is spot on. In the last panel you see Lucia teleporting back to the start of the stage because I accidentally chose the wrong icon while cycling through the attacks against the last boss. I was not pleased.

1st panel:
セシル! しっかりして
Seshiru! Shikkarishite
Cecile! Firmly
I guess that would be "Cecile, hold on!"
4th panel:
おねえさん はかせのやぼうを そしして!
Oneesan Hakasenoyabouwo Soshishite!
Sister the ambition of the doctor by preventing!
Google translate gives an alternative for "the ambition of the doctor" as "a magical dude". "Sister, stop the magical dude!". The official version is "Lucia, stop him!", but if you wanted to get wordy you could go with "Stop the doctor's plan, Sis!".
5th panel:
The experiment seems to have succeeded.
Official version: "My experiments worked!"
6th panel:
Panels 7 and 8 are too long for me, so here's 9:
おまえたちのやくめはおわった ふたりなかよく しめがいい!!
Omaetatinoyakumehaowatta Futarinakayoku Shimagaii!!
Your schedule has ended two friends shame is good
Google translate isn't helping much here. The official version is "You have served your purpose", which I guess approximates to "Your schedule has ended", "It's time for you to die", which I can't figure out but makes a lot more sense than I'm getting. This part of the text isn't in the MSX version. Any help?
10th panel:
I will not forgive you!
Official version is "You're not getting away with this, Knavik!", which gets to the same point and is probably something an English speaker is more likely to say.

1st panel:
We did survived us.
Official: "Looks like we made it."
2nd panel:
Official: "Thank goodness!"
3rd panel:
おねえさん けんきゅうじょが あんなに とおくにみえるわ.
Onesan Kenkyuujoga Annani Tookunimieruwa.
Sister laboratory so much it looks in the distance.
Official: "The lab looks so far away." MSX: "Look sis, you can see the lab from here."
4th panel:
Official: "It sure does."
6th panel:
セシル, だいじょうぶ?
Seshiru, Daijoubu?
Cecile, I am gonna be fine?
Official: "Are you all right, Cecile?" MSX: "More importantly, aren't you hurt, Cecile?"
7th panel:
だいじょうぶ おねえさんは?
Daijoubu Oneesanha?
I am gonna be fine sister is?
Official: "Yes, how about you?" MSX: "I'm OK. And you?" Yimothy: "I'll be fine. How about you, Sis?"
8th panel:
As you see.
Official: "I feel like a million dollars" MSX: "I'm as OK as I look"
I thought this was a strange line in both translations. I'm trying to come up with something better and not doing well. "I look OK, don't I?", I guess.
9th panel:
あっ, ながれぼし! なにかねがいごとしましょう.
A!, nagareboshi! Nanikanegaigotoshimashou.
A shooting star! Let's make a wish.
Official: "Look! A shooting star! Let's make a wish." MSX: "A shooting star! Let's make a wish."
Google translate gives なにかねがいごとしましょう as either "Let's make a mistake" or "Let's something wish". The compromise position seems more likely.

And that's it! For real this time! Unless someone can point me to another version or a fan remake or something (please do!), I've run out of Psychic and Psycho Worlds to explore. I hope you've enjoyed it and don't think I'm a lunatic for devoting all this effort to LPing the game three times over. Thanks for reading, thanks in advance for help with these last few translations. It looks like we made it! I feel like a million dollars.
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