Here we are at the start of the last stage. Hey, is that robot shooting at me?

It is! Luckily, Lucia has lightning reflexes to dodge its shot, and once I figure out that its hitbox is in its head, she takes it down easily.

I carry on to the next room, a vertical shaft with a Barrier upgrade at the top.

This gif is a reasonable summary of the shaft.

Fortunately, the game compensates Lucia for her lost HP.

And I am occasionally able to land a jump safely.

Down the bottom is an upgrade to Explosion. Unlike on SMS, where it quickly became very useful for clearing a room, I haven't found much use for that power in this game.

At this point my wife asked me about something and I left the game running unattended long enough to see Lucia's idle animation for the first time. I'm not sure how long you have to wait for this, but I think it happens more frequently in this gif than in the game.

I am too dumb to move forwards before jumping to attack the first enemy, and so take a hit from the second. Sorry, Lucia!

Taking out the breakable blocks brings the power ups within reach, and I collect them and move to the next room. It's another vertical shaft, this time leading upwards.

This room must be ascended using Levitation, avoiding the glowing hazards as best Lucia can (not well when I'm in control).

Fortunately there are plentiful HP and ESP refills, along with a Cooling Down power up at the top. I think there's at least one power up for each attack in this level, I suppose so you'll be able to attack the final boss with each of them even if you somehow got this far missing one. Is that even possible? I dunno.

Heading through the door in the last panel of the previous image I encounter these two robots. They can only be hit while Lucia is standing, but fire soon after coming into range, requiring Lucia to duck. Alternatively, as seen here, you can fire up Barrier (which is now lasting a long time with the cumulative effect of all the power ups for it through the game) and ignore the damage. Between them they drop a full HP/ESP refill.

And we're back in the maze, just like on SMS. Let's head left:

It's the robot from the start of the level! It goes down just as easily here, with Lucia not even seeming to lose any HP from the hit it lands on her.

Having gone down on SMS, I head up and to the left.

Leading me to this teleporting four-armed dragon. It takes me a little while to figure out what I can hurt it with, and that I can avoid its attacks but still land hits while ducking, after which it goes down fairly quickly (well, after 10 hits of Hydro-wave).

I head right.

This space lady takes me a little while. Again I have to switch weapons to deal damage. Afterwards I Excharge my way to health.

I continue to head upwards, exploring both left and right branches. The dragon type takes fewer hits from Psy-cannon to beat than it did with Hydro-wave, which seems kind of backwards - surely the default shot should do less than the special? Anyway, there seems to be less enemy variety in this area than there was in the equivalent on SMS. Lots of repeats.

Eventually they start teaming up.

Double robots don't deserve a gif, though. I carry on, and finally...

One last dragon and a few more power-ups as I escape the maze.

Before I move on though, here are all the attacks at their current power levels.

The door leads to a long empty corridor with another door at the end.

This gif slightly overstates how long you spend running in this corridor, but you get the idea.

Through the door we find Cecile ensnared in something.
Panel 1:
Panel 2:
セシル じゃないの
Seshiru Janaino
Cecile, is it you?
Google translate gives Janaino as "it's not", and google search turns up something that says it's what you'd put at the end of a sentence to demand agreement, so I think Lucia wants Cecile to acknowledge her.
Panel 3:
Cecile does not acknowledge her.
Panel 4:
セシル どうしたの?
Seshiru Doushitano?
Cecile, what's wrong?
Panel 5:
Panel 6:
Cecile attacks!
This is all quite similar to the SMS version, though that's abbreviated. I would guess that translation (L: Cecile? Why, it's you! C: ... L: Cecile, what happened? C:

The fight is a little different: Lucia can levitate without the power active, Cecile's shots are more aimed, and instead of attacking her with Cooling Down you just jump over her. I kind of like that this version doesn't require Lucia to attack her sister, but it's not much of a challenge to figure out how to get past her.

Getting through the passage to the alien brain is a lot simpler, too. I just turn on barrier and levitate through, ignoring the beams that flash on and off.
Behind button for flashing lights:
![]() |
![]() |

Lucia proceeds through the wrecked room to her sister.

Cecile reveals the doctor's evil plans, and Knavik shows himself.

I find it a bit hard to parse what's going on in this gif, but I think he's opening his cloak to reveal his true form.

Unlike on SMS, here both sisters attack Knavik, making the flying kick duel twice as good as it was before.
![]() |

The HUD fades away. Yep, this is the ending...

"I'm as ok as I look" is kind of an odd phrase.

There's a glimmer in the sky...

Things are looking up for the sisters.

Knavik flees the planet.

And that's it! Thanks for reading "Cecile, I'll certainly save you... Let's Play Psycho World!", as I should have asked the mods to retitle the thread. It's a game I've been curious about for a long time, so it was nice to finally play it. It's got ups and downs compared to the SMS version, and my experience probably suffered from my playing each stage twice in a row before moving on. I suspect I would have enjoyed World 5 more if I'd been playing from start to finish in one go instead of having the game spread out over a month and a half. As on SMS, I think the first half of the game is stronger than the second (though the sewer level was pretty cool and the last two stages weren't bad either), and it's certainly more difficult without the ability to go back and recollect power ups (Lucia still winds up basically invincible by the end of the game, though). It's a fun, interesting game, that was clearly made by people who cared about it, as all the little details in the animation and the presence of Talk Mode made clear. Speaking of the creators, there's just one more thing:

This is an ESP amplifier. Use it and read this bonus material!!

がんばり まっす!
Ganbari Massu!
I'll do my best!
One last ganbari massu, included for tradition.

I tried going down in the maze on my Talk Mode run, resulting in a much shorter path to the exit.

I turned on Barrier to blunt Cecile's attacks, forgetting that it would change the colour of the text. Whoops. Please enjoy Lucia in blue and Cecile in white:
Panel 2:
あっ セシルだ!
Ah- Seshiruda!
I have no idea what the だ is for, but this seems to be Lucia shocked (appropriately) to see Cecile.
It's just the verb "to be" as in "Ah! It's Cecile!"
Panel 3:
I am not.
Apparently this literally means "Different". Google translate gives "I am not", as I've put above, which seems appropriate, but other results from google search suggest it could be "No", "It isn't", or simply "Wrong". I assume the little circle is a kind of emphatic full stop.
Panel 4:
セシル? でしょお
Seshiru? Deshoo
Cecile? Right?
Panel 5:
This was the sound for an explosion. Creepy, Cecile.
Panel 6:
セシル! セシルう
Seshiru! Seshiruu
Cecile! Cecillllle
Not at all sure of the last character in this, but I think Lucia is getting desperate?
Yeah, it's a small 'u' to indicate the last vocal trailing out.
Because if you're shouting 'Cecile' you put the emphasis in the last 'u', obviously.
Panel 7:
ミサイル はっしゃ!!
Misairu hassha!!
Missile firing!!

やったあ !
I did it!
Cecile seems to count as the boss drop here. The stage doesn't end until you walk to her, so you can jump over and go across to the left wall if you want (for all the good it does you), and picking her up gets the same exclamation we've seen in so many earlier levels. It's green for just one frame (maybe because she's dressed in green?), but since it was different I thought I'd show it.

Since I put it all into one gif in the main post, here are some stills from the flying kick duel, featuring a heap of new sprites for Lucia and Cecile. The ones in the first image remind me of Sierra adventure games. Note that the sisters are not just palette swaps: this is most obvious in the third and fourth images here. Also note that Lucia's part remains on her right, whichever direction she's facing, except in the third image where the sisters are descending and it's on her left. Oddly, the sisters' eyes seem to be transparent instead of fixed black, which you can see in the last two images. Some kind of palette limitation? Dunno. Anyway, in the last panel the sisters appear to be holding hands, and that seems like a nice place to leave them. Thanks again for reading, thanks for posting, and special thanks to my main translators, Sensenic and Dracula.

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