And we're back! Unfortunately, this puzzle steadfastly refuses to be solved. I'm not proud of this, but I'll admit it: at this point I went to GameFAQs.

At first I just copied the right branch and attempted to fill in the rest for myself.

Then I gave up completely and copied the whole thing (but upside-down). My pride in this LP has dropped from a high treble to a low

My apologies to everyone I've let down.

OK, here's 33. A chance for a fresh start. A chance to do things right!

Ugh. I'll try again tomorrow. If anyone wants to spare me, I'd be grateful.

I take another shot at #33. Things are rough at first, but out of nowhere it comes together:

Well, OK, I'll admit that when I was looking at GameFAQs yesterday for No.32, I noticed that the cup block and the wonky block were together off to the side in their solution to this one. I attempted to solve it without copying that placement (to no avail), then gave it a shot copying only those two blocks (to much avail). I hope you guys don't

Anyway, from here on out it's all my own work.

I guess this one is an elephant? Or someone bending over? I don't know.

What I do know is that it's not easy.

Things seem hopeless. What really bothers me is the suspicion that any of these almost-solutions might just require a small change to make a solution. Speaking of which:

Aww yeah. I'm a

On to the next:

A hammer? Pick? Nobody knows.

I seem to wind up getting stuck with the same blocks left over a lot. Some blocks are trickier to place than others: the pudgy block is probably the easiest, the corner and the windy probably the worst, but it all depends on the shape of the stage. This one has a lot of corners up top, so I probably need to get rid of my cornery blocks up there:

And then:

Aww yuss.

Pretty sure having thousands of solutions makes the puzzle easier rather than less simple, Dr. P, but thanks anyway.

Holy magoly, what's up with this last island?

Here's that awful square (the blocky block) Dr. P has given me. The game kindly places it in the middle of the board. I don't like the look of that.

I put it aside, to try to minimise the damage it can do.

Turns out nobody puts blocky in the corner. I start over and set it aside to figure out last.

Things go about as well as usual.

I take a shot at rearranging the corner, windy, and snaggy blocks, and it pays off:


Here's the ending. What, no credits roll?

For the impatient amongst us, here's the whole thing in screenshots. While we're on the title screen, might as well try out that password I just got:

Well, there's Daedalian Opus. Often frustrating, but pretty satisfying to do well at (when you aren't cheating, anyway), even if my successes were mostly luck. Hope you've all had a good time.

Here's a terrible picture of the instruction manual that I took with my laptop's (apparently rubbish) webcam. It says there are 42 islands, but I only encountered 36. False advertising, Vic Tokai!
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