Hi guys, and welcome to Let's Play Daedalian Opus! What's that? You're not familiar with it? Of course you are, silly! I'll admit, not so long ago I'd never heard of this gem, but shortly after reading the article I just linked I came across a copy in a second-hand store. Admiring its wondrous box, I remembered reading about the game. Couldn't remember if it was supposed to be good or anything, but the price was low and I picked it up. I played for a while, got hopelessly stuck, and gave up.
Until now! Here's the plan for this LP: I'll play the game until I get stuck. Then I'll post some images. Then, hopefully, one of you tyrants will solve the puzzle (don't look it up on GameFAQs or whatever, please) for me and I'll be able to continue!
Will I be able to make this LP entertaining? Will anyone help me? To be honest, I doubt it. Oh well!

Here's Doctor P. He talks kinda slowly. Luckily, I can control time:

Much better!

Here's me, I guess. I'm a cute little fellow. I set off in high spirits.

My mission, to form a rectangle from three pentominoes.

The stars were with me from the outset. Suddenly:

A complication! This piece doesn't fit, no matter how I turn it. This is a tough game: the first puzzle is impossible. But! I put all my effort into it:

This is the way! (Turns out that the start button flips the pieces.)

I pray all my missions meet with such success.

As I was leaving, the fairy called me aside. She gave me a treasure beyond compare!
Obtained: pudgy block.
Also note that the UFO gave me a password, in case I want to save myself thirty seconds next time I play the game. For some reason this inter-level screen is interactive: you have to hold right to walk across, and up to enter the building. I guess that gives you time to write down the password.

So, a slightly bigger rectangle, and a new piece to fit into it. Let's see what happens:

Yeah, it turns out I suck at puzzle games. Still, I persevere, and before I know it:

Aww yuss.

Another password, and I get access to the stretchy block.

Puzzle three goes almost as well as puzzle one. Maybe I don't suck at puzzle games after all?

That is nice, Daedalian Opus. Thank you. I now have the corner block.

This time I'm making a square. Let's watch!

I tell ya, this game would be a lot easier if you got to use two of the pudgy block.

Applying all my brainpower, I solve the puzzle and keep moving, scoring access to the U block.

Let's see what puzzle five has to offer:

I'm starting to wonder if my previous successes owed more to luck than skill. This is taking forever!

Ha ha! I'm free! I get the snaggy block.

Things are starting to get complicated in my pentomino selection area. So many options!

Not like that...

Another puzzle solved! Although I appear happy to receive it, that cross block looks like bad news to me.

There's so little space for blocks now that the game is solving puzzles for itself down there. Perhaps there's a clue to solving this puzzle in the arrangement of the blocks?

Unfortunately, if there is I'm too dense to pick up on it. This one has me stumped! Help me, talking time!
Next: Part 2
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