Welcome back to Let's Play Daedalian Opus! As you may recall, last time I was stuck on level 7. Let's enter the password and get back to it:

What the what? I pressed A on the title screen and got this instruction screen. Handy! Anyway, I went back to the title screen and hit the start button.

OK, so here's where we left off. Now, namelessentity gave me a tip last time:
namelessentity:Devilish! Giving me a new piece, but not requiring its use! Let's apply this knowledge.
The hint is that it is the right side "plus" the left side. The little "plus" symbol is not used.

Unfortunately, I'm still terrible at puzzles. I'll start over:

This time I copied the shape from the lower left, and attempted to fill in the blank space. It didn't work. Let's start over again:

Yes! What's that, nameless? My solution looks familiar? Don't be absurd.

As you can see, it's just that I've finally gotten my puzzle-solving cap on properly, and I've started to clean up.

As you can see. The squiggly block looks like something that's just going to cause me pain in future puzzles. Oh well.

Aww yuss! 52 seconds. I really am getting it together.

Or not. I get the idea to try to make three 3x5 blocks to fill this 9x5 space.

It doesn't really work out.

Let's not look too closely at the time taken on that one.

Yeah, it's pretty clear that I just get lucky sometimes.

Like now.

Hey, it's Dr. P! Oh man, 2339 configurations? I'm freaking out over here!

Oh! Good advice, Dr. P. I'd better chill out.

The next building is made out of bricks, rather than glass. That's good, because I have a feeling that the wonky block I just got is gonna have me throwing things soon.

Awright, here's the big time! Can I fit all the pentomino pieces together to make one big rectangle?

Yup! I guess with 2339 possible solutions, even I have a good chance of stumbling across one.

I didn't realise Dr. P was the kinda guy to say "dude!". I've only gotten 12 different shapes by my count, but eleven of those can be flipped (the cross cannot), so I guess that makes 23.

Apparently there's only one brick stage. Number 13 is made of stone.

My stars! that rectangle has a bump in it!

I follow my instincts and get rid of the most annoying piece first, taking the bump with it.

That turned out the be the wrong move (note that I've got the snaggy piece in the bump in the solved puzzle), but I managed to solve the puzzle before too much longer.

Puzzle 14 is a different story, though. I'm declaring myself stumped. Can anyone save me in this hour of need?
P.S. I was thinking I might stop posting solutions and leave them as an exercise for the reader (I'd still post as many puzzles as I managed to get up to in each update). Maybe put solutions to the previous update's puzzles at the start of each update. This is kind of a silly concept for an LP, so solving all the puzzles instead of just the ones I get stuck on might make it more interesting. Any thoughts?
Next time: Part 3
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