Are you ready, Helios, Dina?
(Helios) Yes.
(Dina) I'm ready.
(Apolo) OK. Here we go!!

It's a fairly straightforward dungeon. You can see the stairs to the next level on the left there.

Here are some of the enemies in the castle. As you can see, Deaths have the awesome power of Megagiga, my personal favourite spell in the game. Except when enemies use it.

One loop around the perimeter gets us to the next level.

On level two you loop around twice, once clockwise and the other widdershins. There's a patch of black floor in the middle of the room. I'll investigate:

I think this might be the only place in the game where you have to use the check command. It takes you back down to the ground floor, in the previously inaccessible center section.

Off to the left is a talking fire.

Oh, it's a firebeast.

I make short work of it, and more stairs appear.

Looks like we've found the KingDevil's lair. That's him in the top corner.

Probably not a bad idea to heal up at this point.

Surprisingly, you reached here at last. I don't remember the last time human being came into this castle. Not only that, you are trying to defeat me. Interesting!! I'm really excited!! Let's enjoy this battle. I forbade other monsters to attack you. Come directly to me.
What a nice guy! Before we kill him though I wanna take a proper look around the ground floor. Should be easy since the enemies are forbidden to attack me. I head back up the stairs.

There are another three Firebeasts, one in each of the cardinal directions from the entry. Each has something different to say to you. They also heal themselves in fights, which is just as annoying as in any other RPG.

I love that one of these guys is concerned enough to tell you that fighting the KingDevil is reckless, then tries to kill you. Also, contrary to what KingDevil said, the regular enemies will still attack. I think there are no encounters in the basement where he is, though. OK, time to take on the final boss.

Better save, just in case.

I say again...
Welcome to my castle. I'm really impressed with your courage. Hahaha...
Anyway, this is my first battle in a long while. Please keep fighting as much as you can to amuse me. Hahaha...
(Helios) You underestimate us, don't you? You should know the winner is not clear yet.
(KingDevil) The winner is not clear? Don't push your luck!! This battle is just a kill-time for me. There is no possibility that you win.
(Apolo) I believe our possibility. We'll show you our power!!
God, what a jerk.

So he attacks me and I attack him and eventually he dies.

(KingDevil) Cough, cough...
Well, you are stronger than I expected. But it's still meaningless. I have an eternal life. I can revive infinitely even if you defeat me.

Oh man, he's back and he's invisible! This is a sticky wicket. Like the witch told me, I need to use the MagicCrock when something on the KingDevil's body changes. How I'm supposed to do that when I can't see him I don't know. I'll just hit him a few times before using it and hope for the best:

Well, crud. Remember, this is a single-use item. I go into the item use menu again, but it isn't there anymore:

So basically I've doomed humanity. Good job, me. Then something terrible happens:

The KingDevil reappears. Note that his eyes have changed colour. This is the point at which I should have used the MagicCrock. Guess I'll just hit him for now.

He gets up again and I still don't have the means to seal him away. Luckily, I saved before the fight. Let's try this again:

This time I saw when he changed, but he died in the same round of combat so I wasn't able to use the MagicCrock. Kind of irritating.

He gets back up and knocks Dina down. You might remember that you can bring the dead back to life with regular healing magic. Turns out that this doesn't work in fights.

Eventually he reappears. I assume that the invisibility is a glitch rather than a feature, but it sure does make it easier to tell when you're supposed to use the MagicCrock. Speaking of which:

What do you have?
(Apolo) It's MagicCrock.
(KingDevil) Wh...What?
Um...I know...
It's the Witch's idea. She gave you such thing.
(Apolo) Say your prayers, KingDevil!!
(KingDevil) No...No...
(Apolo) MagicCrock!! Inhale the KingDevil!! Lock the wrong power with him!
(KingDevil) No!! Stop it!!
Then there's a little animation of the KingDevil shrinking and spiralling down into the MagicCrock.

(KingDevilLie) I regret I underestimated you. Remember!! Human-beings!! I'll surely come back someday!! And I'll kill you all!! Remember!! Remembeeeeeeer!!

We did it...
didn't we?
(Helios) Yeah, we did.
(Dina) We won?
(Helios) I'm not sure if we won.
(Apolo) I'm sure the Alto castle will become peaceful.
(Helios) Yeah, that's the first priority.

Let's get out of here!!

I don't think there are any more fights left, but it'd be sad if Dina finished the game dead.

(Helios) Oh!!
(Apolo) Devil'sCastle is disappearing!!

This is a very sad day for that skeleton near the South tower.

How horrendous...
Oh, where is the MagicCrock?

So I left it there.
Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.

Then it is at the bottom of the sea now.

(Helios) You know he has huge power and tenacity. Maybe he can release himself someday.
(Dina) Scary...

(Dina) Why?
(Helios) Why are you so confident?
(Apolo) Dina is a granddaughter of that strong witch. And Helios is her talented disciple. If you two get married, your kids must be stronger than KingDevil.

Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.

Yes, it was the first. Maybe the KingDevil will come back someday with huger power. However, we don't need to be worried as Apolo said. So let's celebrate peaceful days now. With the Legendary Brave-Men's family...

There we have it! Thanks for reading, guys.
Final thoughts: There's been some discussion in this thread about the badness of this game. In some ways, I agree. The use of the English language in this game in particular is not exemplary. On the other hand, it's always clear (aside from some of the spell names), and it's always pretty charming. The graphics, similarly, are not exactly great, but they have a certain charm. The dungeons are tiny, but really who wants to wander around lost in mazes all the time? (I'll admit that sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't). The battle system is really simple, but it's also lightning fast. One thing Missing Bro doesn't do is waste your time (aside from when you're waiting for Dina to go away). It does what it does and it does it efficiently and with charm. You could argue that the whole game is a waste of time, of course, but I've enjoyed it and I hope you all have too.
Also, I just had a look on the app store, and it looks like a sequel is out: Find The Treasure.

I'll be playing it. Will you?
Note from 2020: I still haven't played Find the Treasure. Unlike Missing Bro, though, it is still available on the app store. Maybe I'll get to it some day.
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