Let's Play Missing Bro, part 2: I want to point out the care I took to reproduce the text in this game accurately.

OK, we're back in action. I managed to get the title screen with no ads this time. Anyway, the plan now is to get a little stronger before continuing.

MaxHP: +19
MaxMP: +12
DefenseP: +10
Speed: +2
Treto magic came to be usable.
That level up pretty much doubled my stats. Nice! It also restored my HP/MP, which is nice too.

I can now hit Kesslers for 7points. Anyway, back to the forest!

Herb: 5g
SpesialHerb: 900G
MagicSeeds: 20G
IronSword: 50G
IronArmor: 100G
I take the chance to save, and check out the store's buy-back prices. They're actually kind of inconsistent. The Herb sells for a quarter what you pay for it, but the IronArmor only gives you a fifth back. The SpesialHerb, on the other hand, gets you three quarters of the cost of a SpecialHerb.

I start to explore the many dead ends in the local area and get another level up. Treto is healing magic, and Dodong is a multihit version of Dong. I don't know if these names make more sense in Japanese, or what.

I have a rematch with a FaceBug. It's not much of a threat anymore.

MaxHP: +35
MaxMP: +22
AttackP: +14
DefenseP: +18
Speed: +4
I look around some more and get another level up. Plus I find a shiny in the last dead end!

I found it!! It's SpecialHerb.
(Apolo got the SpecialHerb.)
Groovy. The SpecialHerb is a healing item, but don't use it as one! For one thing, at this point I'm getting all the healing I need from level ups, and for another it sells for 900G. That's enough to buy the gate pass!

It's so nice of him to offer to buy my Cloth Armor for 0G. Anyway, I sell the herb, buy the pass, and with the leftover cash I pick up an IronSword. Which is mysteriously worse than my BronzeSword. Also notice that the Cloth Armor now has an effect, as does my Bro'sSword. Both of them had zero effect before.

You can go ahead.
What? Your brother? Three years ago?
How can I remember such old thing?
True to his word, this jerk lets me through. Finding and selling the herb is actually kind of a clever puzzle, I think. Though I probably think that because I never tried using the herb for healing. Still, there's a guy in the first town who tells you the herbs are in the forest, and the shop list shows that you can sell it for enough to continue. Good job, Missing Bro!

Ah, the beautiful north!

There's a new enemy in the area. It's a much more profitable fight than anything else so far.

I ignore the way forward and check out what's up north and out east before entering Kant village. There's some caves and a building up north, but the mountains block passage. The western peninsula ends in whirlpools.

You look tired.
Do you want to use the bed?
The fee at this inn is 30G. Highway robbery! Anyway, I'm still getting my heals from level ups, and I have healing magic to keep me going besides.

Oh, you reminded me about him.
He said he would go to the north mountain to learn magics from a witch who lives in there.There is a rumor the witch is very strong. But nobody has met her.
I think even witch needs to eat something. I wonder how she get foods.
This guy at last gives me a solid lead on my bro. I need to pass the mountains. But how? Well, he's giving another clue there: the witch is getting food somehow. Let's talk to the nearby farmer:

But recently, we have no way to do that. The vortexes are too intense.
Thanks, lady. Real helpful.

Oh, I clearly remember him.
I often see him with Dina.
(Apolo) Dina?
(Woman) Dina is a woman who lives in a house next to the inn.
She is a little strange.
She sometimes disappears.

My favourite line in the game so far. In answer, yes I do.

This other farmer is no more useful than the last.

(Apolo) You know this sword or my brother?
(Woman) No...no, I don't.
(Apolo) But you just said...
(Woman) Sorry, I don't know anything. Really...
(Apolo) Um...I see.
(Woman) Sorry. I don't know anything really.
This is Dina. She's a liar and the single toughest obstacle in the game. As the woman in the south-east of town told us, Dina sometimes disappears. I need her to do so before I can proceed. Unfortunately, she doesn't do it very often. I have no idea if there's a specific action that triggers it, or if it's just random that sometimes you enter town and she's gone, or what.

Someone says so? Yeah, I notice it, but I don't know why.
You look tired. Do you want to use the bed?
(HP&MP was 100% restored.)
The innkeeper has something new to say. A-ha! I'll rest here, and when I wake up, Dina will be gone.

Nope. I go back to the inn.

Sorry, you can't use the bed, because this is for tired people,. Please come again when you are tired.
Missing Bro doesn't let you rest when you don't need to. I've actually been turned away at the inn with less than full health, too. Anyway, that didn't get rid of Dina. Maybe I need to go fight some monsters?

Here's my first encounter with more than one enemy. These Mouthats can cast Dodong for 11 or so HP of damage, but after two rounds I guess they're out of MP or something, 'cause they switch to normal attacks, which do much less damage. I probably should've been using Dodong against them myself instead of just hitting them one at a time, but I forgot I had it.

They drop enough cash to pay for the inn stay I now need, which is nice of them. Dina still hasn't disappeared.

At this point I start doing whatever I can think of to try to get Dina to leave. I exit town and immediately return, I go out and get in some fights and come back, I stand around outside Dina's house for a while, I talk to Dina a bunch, I stand around in a different part of town, I talk to everyone in town again, I go back to the forest, I go back to the first town and talk to everyone, I wander all over the world map. Every time I come back to Kant, Dina is still there.
I'm starting to think it's impossible, and bear in mind that I've beaten this game before. I had the same problem then, and I have no idea why I didn't just quit.
That's it for now. I've spent 20 minutes trying to get Dina to leave, and she won't. On the plus side, I'm now level 8.
Next time: She moves. I hope.
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