That's surprising.
Welcome back. We've returned to Alto Castle after defeating the boss of the South Tower, who turned out to be my missing bro.

You are alive!

(Apolo) Um...How can I say....
(Dina) Anyway, the chief is no longer in the tower.
(Soldier) Oh, that's enough good!

Ttt...that's surprising.
The people in the castle are clearly thrilled to see us again. Dina pulls a sweet dodge in avoiding telling the guard that the chief monster of the tower is now in our party.

OK, come in.
The king, seeing a chance to get his stuff back, stops being a baby and lets us in.

You really disappointed me, Helios. You are mere human being.
(Helios) What?
(King) Why are you so surprised? Did you forget me who defeated you and changed you to a monster two years ago?
Dun dun dunnnn!

I'd never be easy on you this time. I'll kill you with your brother!!
Man, this guy isn't just a baby, he's a jerk. Why they'd make him king, I don't know.

I guess we were so surprised by his changed appearance that he managed to get the drop on us. Anyway, it's much the same as every other battle in the game: I attack a lot and use Helios' magic (I inflicted 118 damage with Megant, which I guess is pretty good), and heal when I need to. Before too long:

Apparently Henge doesn't know how RPGs work.

As long as the KingDevil is alive, human beings are always facing destruction.
Then he disappears.

Wht's that?...Key?
(Apolo got PrisonKey.)
Better check out what's down those stairs.

I wonder who that regal-looking fellow could be?

The monster commander transformed itself into me and took my position.
What? You say you defeated it?
Oh! You have the RoyalRing!! Did you get it back from the monster?
How dependable you three are! How can I return your feat? Please tell me anything you want.
SkyShip? You know, it's mere legend that the ship can fly in the air. However, you all have tremendous power. You might be able to use the hidden power of the ship. Well, I give you this voucher. You can pass the check point in front of the SkyShip.
(Apolo got the King'sVoucher.)
This whole bit is kind of strange. The imposter defeated Helios two years ago, presumably at the South Tower. I guess at some point since then it came and imprisoned the real king. Why it didn't just kill him, I don't know. Hostage, I suppose. It seems like the imposter was using the theft of the RoyalRing as an excuse to not let anyone see him, to help him maintain his disguise. So how did Helios get a hold of it? Maybe the real king gave it to him when he set out, but didn't tell anyone, allowing the imposter to claim it had been stolen. Maybe Helios visited the castle, though everyone said he hadn't been seen since going south. Maybe the imposter took over for the king before Helios got there, and their fight was in the throne room and it gave him the ring then for some reason. Maybe I'm thinking about this a little too much.
The thing about the SkyShip not actually being able to fly is pretty weird too. It'll be pretty funny if it turns out to be true.

(King) You three are our benefactor. We always welcome you.
When you think about it, we've all achieved what we set out to do: Apolo and Dina found Helios, and Helios has saved Alto Castle. This is supposed to be the ending. Still, Henge said that as long as the KingDevil is around, humanity will always face destruction. I guess we should do something about that. Firstly though, let's see if anyone in the castle has noticed the change:

I guess not.

The only thing I can do is praying.
This guy knows our plans, but seems to have forgotten that he's a man-at-arms. He could come help us kill stuff if he chose to.

Thank you so much. I gift this to you as a token of our appreciation. You can save your memory using this stone anywhere anytime.
(Apolo got the MemoryStone.)
This priest knows what's up. The MemoryStone isn't super-useful, since the game is pretty easy and quicksaves whenever you quit (this being an iPhone game, after all), but I'll be using it at least once.

Meet a person who lives in west before that. The person is so familiar to you all. She or he can give you a good advice.
Thanks for the specificity, Seer! This is probably good advice anyway. If we're going to go fight the King Devil, a threat to all humanity, I should probably stop by my hometown and rub it in to everyone that I was right about Helios being alive and they were wrong while I'm still alive to do it. And let our mother know he's alive too, I guess.
Nobody else has anything new to say. Talking to the guy on the left there reminds me that I still haven't found the MiracleHerb. I had thought there might be a passage behind the king or something, but I didn't see one just now. I guess maybe you're supposed to use the "Check" command from the menu on each tile in the castle until you find it? I'm gonna declare that not worth it and move on. I'll swing by the frontline fort and see if there's any new dialogue there.

Good luck.
Thanks, dude! Right, off to get the SkyShip.

OK, use the SkyShip freely.
He steps aside, giving us access to the ship. You know how the king said that it flying is just a legend?

All lies. There isn't even a dialogue where your characters use their magic to activate it or something. It just flies.
Let's have a look around in our new ship:

So sad.

Here's the Devil'sCastle. Looks pretty scary!

Here's a more comfortable sight: Apolo and Helios' hometown of Hast.

Everyone in town is pleased to see us. I didn't take a screenshot, but I tried to creep Helios out by showing him his own grave. The game didn't acknowledge it. Time to go home.

You are really Helios?
(Helios) Mom...
I caused you so much worry three years.
(Mom) No problem, I'm happy to see you now!! Helios, who is she?
(Helios) Oh, she is a granddaughter of my magic teacher.
(Dina) Nice to meet you, I'm Dina.
(Mom) Nice to meet you too.
(Apolo) Um...mom...
(Mom) What?
Are you going to fight against the KindDevil?
(Helios) I'm really sorry that we'll make you worry again, but...
I promise we won't die!
(Mom) Um...I...see.
I don't stop you.
Anyway, take a rest enough before going out.
(HP&MP was 100% restored.)
Well. Mom is an understanding lady. It just occurred to me that although Helios left town three years ago, he only actually left the continent and entered into the service of the KingDevil two years ago. A considerate son might've written his mother a letter or something in that first year.
It was nice to see Mom, but the seer told us we were going to get some advice from someone familiar to us all, and I don't think Mom telling us to have a rest is what she meant. But who else do we know?

That's great!!
This guy is the only person in Kant with anything new to say. You might remember him as the one who was concerned that Alto castle was in trouble, so it makes sense he'd have something to say about it now. But that's not advice.
There are only three people left in the world for me to get advice from, and I have no intention of visiting the dudes in the shop in the forest again. Which leaves:

(Helios) I must apologize for my long silence.
(Witch) I know you've decided to fight against the KingDevil. However at this rate, you won't win.
(Apolo) Why...?
(Witch) Maybe you can defeat him by cooperation of you three once or more. But you'll be surely surprised after that.
(Apolo) ...?
(Dina) ...?
(Helios) What do you mean?
(Witch) Anyway...
I'll give you this MagicCrock.
(Apolo) MagicCrock?
(Witch) Yeah, this can lock a weak monster in itself.
(Apolo) Weak monster...
(Witch) Yeah. Hey, here it is.
(Apolo got the MagicCrock.)
(Witch) Well...
What I will say from now is very important. When KingDevil is very damaged and become like a weak monster, you must see something changed on his body. Then use this MagicCrock. It's not reusable. You can use it only once. If you use it in wrong timing, you'd never have a chance to win. Don't forget it.
(Apolo wrote down the points of Witch's advices.)
(Witch) Take care.
Right! Looks like I got some good advice there.

(Don't miss something changed on the KingDevil's body. The MagicCrock is not reusable. If we use it in wrong timing, we'd never have a chance to win.)
This is downright decent of the game. If you forget this info, you can't win, so it's nice to have it on hand whenever you want.

OK, so we're prepared. Back to the Devil'sCastle!

Better play it safe, just in case.
Next time: The thrilling conclusion!
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