They say it can fly in the air by magical power. I don't know if it's true though. Anyway, nobody can board the ship without the king's permission.
Alrighty, so I've moved to the south where Dina would previously stop me. Unfortunately I can't head east at the moment thanks to this dude. That leaves south.

There's a building down here, and a tower beyond it. A guy in the building lets me rest. I take a look around the store room, but the game's check function is as useless as ever.

A man who was going to the South tower two years ago?. Oh, I remember him. But I've never seen him since then.
Yet more encouraging news. When you try to leave the fort to head towards the south tower, this happens:

Then you have to fight against us before that. If you are weaker than us, you'll be difinitely killed by monsters in the tower.

Go ahead please.
It's actually a pretty tough fight, but since I'm quite strong we pull through.

There's the South tower. Note the skeleton hanging out on the map to the south of the tower. Anyway, take a look at my HP/MP! That won't do.

Right, let's make this happen.

Despite the name, this doesn't seem to inflict poison, it just does damage. In fact I don't think there are status effects in this game, unless you count death.

Dina gets a level, we fight a Visdom, and I find the southern exit of the South tower. What's Mr Skeleton up to?

I know you are stronger than me, I won't fight you.
(Apolo) What are you looking at?
(Skelton) It's obviously Devil'sCastle.
(Apolo) Devil'sCastle...
(Skelton) Hey, don't think about going to there. Even if you are quite confident of sword or magics, the KingDevil is far stronger than you. Still, it's meaningless to think about that. Because you can't go to there unless you can fly.
Apparently the Skelton doesn't know about the SkyShip.

You can just see the Devil'sCastle off to the south.

Back in the tower, I neglect healing (unlike that Visdom) and Dina gets killed. Which is a worry, because I don't have any revive items or spells or anything that I'm aware of. How do I deal with this?

With regular healing magic, as it turns out. Sweet!

There's not much on the second floor, just a puddle.

Who's this chap?

Oh hey, it's my missing bro! I guess that's the end of the game, thanks for reading everyone.

Oh. I guess we'll have to beat some sense into him.

I'm Apolo!! Your brother!!
(Dina) I'm Dina...
(Helios) Apolo? Dina...? I feel I've heard those names somewhere...ow...
Ouch.. I have a headache...
Mmm...No!! I never know you!!
I'm...Helios, KingDevil's vice commander!!

What am I doing?
Why are you two...
Three years?
Three years have passed since I left my hometown?
And we are in the tower of monsters...
Oh! I remember!!
When I was learning magics from Dina's grandma...
I heard that the Alto castle was in big trouble with the war against monsters. I was confident of my magical power. I believed I could save the Alto castle. Then, I fought against....against...
Who? Who did I fight against?
No...I don't remember. However, I probably lost. I got it into my head that I was KingDevil's vice commander.
I intensely regret it, but it's too late. Let's go back to the Alto castle anyway. We can jump close to the castle from the back room.
Don't worry, I have it.
(Helios got in the party.)
(Apolo got the RoyalRing.)
Well! We've accomplished what we set out to do. I was kind of hoping Helios would just continue to be referred to as "bro" or "that man" for the whole game. Dunno why his name is never mentioned prior to his appearance on screen. Misguided fear of spoilers?

Helios is a few levels ahead, and a way better magic user than my other party members. He gets Megagiga, which is a cool name for a spell if nothing else. It's a fairly strong attack on all enemies. Like every other spell, it has no animation.

Stepping into the circle at the back of the room teleports us back to Altos castle. Handy! Join me next time, when we step inside and the ending starts.
Next time: Or does it?
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