Are you ready, Helios, Dina? (Helios) Yes. (Dina) I'm ready. (Apolo) OK. Here we go!! It's a fairly straightforward dungeon. You can see the stairs to the next level on the left there. Here are some of the enemies in the castle. As you can see, Deaths have the awesome power of Megagiga, my personal favourite spell in the game. Except when enemies use it. One loop around the perimeter gets us to the next level. On level two you loop around twice, once clockwise and the other widdershins. There's a patch of black floor in the middle of the room. I'll investigate: I think this might be the only place in the game where you have to use the check command. It takes you back down to the ground floor, in the previously inaccessible center section. Off to the left is a talking fire. Oh, it's a firebeast. I make short work of it, and more stairs appear. Looks like we've found the KingDevil's lair. That's him in the top co...