Hello again! Last time, I struggled to find the Ankh in the Twin Labyrinths and failed to kill the Viy in the Inferno Cavern. Will things be different this time? I start by loading up the Metals Gear and heading for the Labyrinths.

I make my way to the Hall of Meditation in the reverse Labyrinth and clear it of enemies. Time to meditate!

I stand in place in the middle of the room, and eventually an exclamation mark appears and a sound plays.

Here it is for anyone who missed it in the GIF. It appeared 45 seconds after entering the room, 30 seconds after killing the last enemy, and 25 seconds after I stopped moving around. Which of those conditions was necessary to activate it I don't know.

I head through the gate towards the front side equivalent of the Hall. Will there be a change?

Success! The Ankh has appeared. Now to use an Ankh Jewel to reveal the Guardian:

Or not. I've finally unlocked this thing, I want to save before taking on the boss. Before I do I try out a couple of things. The second and third screenshots here are me trying to push walls that look kind of like the one in this clue, and the fourth is an attempt at pushing the obstruction stopping me from reaching the rest of the Graveyard of the Giants based on this clue:
Stele:None of them work.
Only thy own strength can get thee through this frozen land.

I head back to town and save, then return to the Ankh chamber. I equip the Ankh Jewel in my sub-weapon slot. Let's see what we're dealing with here:

As I activate the Ankh, four witches appear and summon a terrible creature.

User's Manual:
BAPHOMET: A demon said to live in Hell, it is actually a Guardian that protects the area near La Mulana's core. Baphomet is said to enthrall humans, gather groups of witches and hold Sabbaths.

Here's a still. Not to get distracted, but note that the different colour witches are not just palette swaps: their faces are different. It's a shame two of them are so hard to see because of the ladders.

Fortunately, we have the technology.

The screen pretty much immediately fills with enemy fire. I manage pretty well with the katana and Silver Shield, but then:

Geez that was quick! What just happened? The lightning hit, my VIT started falling, and it didn't stop. Was it just being in contact with the boss?

Well, whatever. I'm gonna go and fight the Viy. I've mentioned that I'm trying to hold off on killing Guardians because of something in the English translation's README file, but I'm running out of things I can find to do. I've got a choice between the Viy and Baphomet, and I'm going with the former because I expect killing it to open the door by the waterfall in the Village. The benefit of taking out Baphomet is unclear.

The Viy is a monster described as the king of the gnomes in Nicolai Golgol's 1835 novella named after it. The basic plot is that a student, after escaping from and killing a witch, is made to stand vigil over her body for three nights. Each night she rises from the dead, but is unable to reach or even see him because of a protective circle he draws and the prayers he reads continuously. On the second night she summons various demons outside the church where the vigil is held, and on the third they are brought into the church. But,
Golgol, The Viy:
All these monsters stared about seeking him, but they could not find him, since he was protected by his sacred circle.

Golgol, The Viy:
“Bring the Viy! Bring the Viy!” cried the witch.
A sudden silence followed; the howling of wolves was heard in the distance, and soon heavy footsteps resounded through the church. Thomas looked up furtively and saw that an ungainly human figure with crooked legs was being led into the church. He was quite covered with black soil, and his hands and feet resembled knotted roots. He trod heavily and stumbled at every step. His eyelids were of enormous length. With terror, Thomas saw that his face was of iron. They led him in by the arms and placed him near Thomas’s circle.

Golgol, The Viy:The Viy of La-Mulana's main resemblance to Golgol's is the demons that fly in to open its eye.
“Raise my eyelids! I can’t see anything!” said the Viy in a dull, hollow voice, and they all hastened to help in doing so.

Golgol, The Viy:That and its ability to kill the lead character.
“Don’t look!” an inner voice warned the philosopher; but he could not restrain from looking.
“There he is!” exclaimed the Viy, pointing an iron finger at him, and all the monsters rushed on him at once.
Struck dumb with terror, he sank to the ground and died.

La-Mulana's Viy is harmed by striking the eye. In one of the GIFs earlier I peppered the eye stalk with Shuriken - I now know that this was pointless. You have to hit the eye itself - which you can do with a Shuriken while it's poking out, as in the second shot here.

The danger of the boss isn't really its huge laser attack, though that does a lot of damage if you let it hit you, but the attrition of all the other things that can hit you: the demons, the eyelashes, the projectiles from the eyelashes, the projectiles from the eye when it pokes out on the stalk, and the surface of the Viy itself, which you often wind up on because of the way the platforms sink (or is it the Viy climbing up?) and because the eyelashes return to activity periodically and you have to go down to silence them again.

Just getting to the Viy is painful - Lemeza moves really slowly in lava.

This is a particularly poor attempt to start the eye-opening part of the fight, but I think it shows the difficulty of the situation.

Landing a hit on the eye causes it to sink back down, cutting off the attack, so it is possible to reduce the Viy's activity so that you just have to deal with the demons, the eyelashes, and the sinking floor.

I eventually get reasonably good at dodging everything and scoring hits when I can.

Not good enough, though. This death is almost four minutes into this attempt at the boss. Am I really supposed to be doing it this way?

The answer is no, but because I'm stubborn, stupid, and my method seems to have at least a chance of working, I keep at it for two more attempts over another nine minutes before trying something else.

I've been thinking that I have to wait for the eye to come out on the stalk before I can hit it, but is that true?

It is not. Throwing knives will bounce off an even partially closed eyelid, but can connect while it's open.

Landing a hit before it attacks will cancel the attack, too.

Better than that though is getting shots in during the laser attack - the eye won't close during it, so you can land multiple hits.

As I do more damage, the platforms start going faster, making it harder to keep off the surface of the Viy.

I land a few more hits.

Just as the speed is getting to the point that I can't deal with it, I land the final blow and the Viy is destroyed. Whew!
Golgol, The Viy:
At that moment there sounded a cock’s crow for the second time; the earth-spirits had not heard the first one. In alarm they hurried to the windows and the door to get out as quickly as possible. But it was too late; they all remained hanging as though fastened to the door and the windows.
When the priest came he stood amazed at such a desecration of God’s house, and did not venture to read prayers there. The church remained standing as it was, with the monsters hanging on the windows and the door. Gradually it became overgrown with creepers, bushes, and wild heather, and no one can discover it now.

I really need to use my brain more. Once I changed my approach, this was pretty easy.

I drop down, taking a hit immediately on landing. This looks like the Chamber of Extinction.

Sure enough, I've reached the upper right part of the Chamber. There's a blue square on the map - I don't think I noticed those when I updated all the maps last time. Looking at the other maps, I think it indicates an Ankh - the room where I just fought Viy was blue on the Inferno Cavern map. There aren't any blue rooms on maps where I've already beaten the Guardian, or on the reverse maps. Or in the Twin Labyrinths, where there is an Ankh, but it's in a room that isn't shown on the in-game map.

I take out the enemies and read the stele, which is blank. I'd like to weight the dais, but I can't get to it. I try all the walls, but don't find a way in.

So I move to the next screen. If I'd taken the upper path I'd be able to reach a ladder back to the Inferno Cavern (the symbol next to it is for five, the number of the Cavern). Down here I'm able to break a couple of bricks to find some flares and a doorway.

There always seem to be a lot of breakable blocks in the Chamber.

I head back up the other ladder to the right side of the room above, allowing me to reach a secret shop. The selection is underwhelming.

I scan the stele and head down the other ladder towards the last room of this small area. I don't know what the clue is about, but it sure sounds sinister. OK, I hit up Wikipedia and it looks like Gozu and Mezu are the Japanese names for Ox-Head and Horse-Face, the guardians of the underworld in Chinese mythology, and Nu Wa is the goddess who created humanity.

I head into the next room and take out the enemies there. This is the room that was blue on the map, which I speculated might house the Ankh, but if it does I don't see it. I think all the Ankhs so far have required puzzles to be solved before they appear, though, so I'm probably still right. Let's check out the doorway:

It's a clue! In terms of murals, what comes to my mind are the dolphin chariot image in the Twin Labyrinths and the merman images in the reverse Twin Labyrinths. But how this is solved, I don't know. I've also been told that "the large earthen doll" carries the flying golden key. I don't have that yet, so I guess I'm not ready for the riddle. I've seen a clue about murals before:

The first two images here are from earlier in the Chamber of Extinction. The third is from the Inferno Cavern. All three look to me like they're depicting the room in the fourth shot (it's the bit at the bottom of the third image, I think, which otherwise depicts Inferno Cavern over the top of the Tower of Ruin, with the location of the Ankh Jewel shown in the latter and the Ankh and the dais required to reveal it shown by the crosses in the Cavern). I guess Palenque is the "large earthen doll" who carries the golden key, and I'll summon it from here somehow to get the key? But I need to find a way in there first.

I head for the upper bit of the second room, where I find a collapsing floor and have to get back up again. Let's see where the ladder takes us:

Well, this is a bit disappointing. I was hoping for somewhere new, but this is the room where I got the Flare Gun back in Part 13.

Here's what rooms that aren't shown on the map look like when you're in them - the little Lemeza icon floating in space. I head from there back to the Ankh room, which is no longer blue on the map and now has an absent floor allowing me to return to the cross deep within the earth. Then I warp back to the Village and save. It's important to save when you make progress, a lesson I have learned a few times already in this LP.

I head up from the Village to the waterfall, and as expected the doorway at its base has opened. I head through into darkness. Is this the Chamber of Extinction?

Nope! I load up the Ruins RAM and check the map, but wherever this is, it's not somewhere I have the map for.

I explore the room in the dark, firing off flares in the hope of lighting a torch. I don't find any, though I do draw some divine wrath for hitting something in the dark with my whip.

I jump to the center of the room and the lights come up. Wow! This looks high-tech! I guess those statues are what got me lightninged. This looks like the Reverse Spring, which is what I expected to find through that door.

I head up the ladder to find another statue, this one holding what I think is either a sceptre or a scythe. The stele on the left has another mention of flight and golden stuff.

I struggle a bit with a medusa head equivalent. I guess this area is sort of like a clock tower. Also of note is the way the block above me breaks apart. It's the same as the one I saw in the limited area of the Reverse Spring that I've reached so far. At the time I thought the way it broke might have signified something, but it looks like that's just how blocks break here.

I foolishly try to hit a flying head as it passes through a statue.

Taking out this thing's mount seems to annoy it.

I land on the statue's arm and take the chance to scan it. I find nothing, so I head up the ladder and jump down onto the other one, also finding nothing.

My second attempt at killing this thing goes better than the first, but ends when I accidentally cross to the next screen.

I go back to break the block at the top right, but wind up moving on without killing the enemy. In the next room, killing the cyclops unleashes its eye to roam the room. There's a length of pipe (?) across the lower right of the room.

I'm able to break a wall at the upper left to reveal a dais. The clue mentions an "A Bao A Qu", a creature described in The Book of Imaginary Beings, and once again one probably invented by Borges:
Jorge Luis Borges:
On the staircase of the Tower of Victory, there has lived from the beginning of time the A Bao A Qu, which is sensitive to the virtues possessed by human souls. It lives upon the first step in a state of lethargy, and comes to conscious life only when someone climbs the stairs.
When a person climbs the stairs, the A Bao A Qu follows almost on the person's heels, climbing up after him, clinging to the edge of the curved treads worn down by the feet of generations of pigrims. On each step, the creature's color grows more intense, its form becomes more perfect, and the light that emanates from it shines ever brighter.
When the man or woman that revives the creature is filled with purity, the A Bao A Qu is able to reach the topmost step, completely formed and radiating a clear blue light. Its return to life is brief, however, for when the pilgrim descends the stairs again, the A Bao A Qu rolls down to the first step once more, where, now muted and resembling some faded picture with vague outlines, it awaits the next visitor to the Tower.

The dais opens the chest, revealing the layout and name of this area: The Goddess Tower. I guess what I'd taken for a pipe laying across the corner of the room is actually a broken portion of tower? Oddly, the map doesn't show the horizontal exits from this Field from the small area I've previously reached. I move to the next room, where I face two of those mounted flying things.

I can't seem to get through an encounter with one of these things without going off-screen. Despite directing my whip strikes at the mounted enemy, the mount still dies first.

My next attempt, while inelegant, is at least successful.

I'm getting better at this.

Whoa, it's been a while since I've seen giants mentioned by name. There's only one giant pointing at anything in the Mausoleum, that must be Riv. A couple of times now I've tried to do something in the place he points to (I remembered something happening there in the remake), but I haven't succeeded. When I turn off the scanner:

The stele sinks into the ground. Is that activating something?

I try to reach the doorway at the upper right, but can't find a way, so I head to the next screen. The image on the clue here seems to just be the right half of the A Bao A Qu clue from a few screens ago, which also talked about hesitation. I guess I need to find the Eye of Truth.

As I move onto the tower, I am struck by apparently nothing shortly after turning around. Must be the A Bao A Qu. I try freezing time in case it's a "moves too fast to be seen" type enemy, but it is not revealed. In this GIF, a flying head appears at the lower right after I freeze time and is instantly frozen. I guess the Lamp of Time doesn't effect spawning, just actions afterwards.

I attempt to break a block from below and am hit again by the A Bao A Qu, falling into the hole to the right of the tower (and all the way down to the room I entered the field from). This thing is a pain!

After climbing back up pretty much the same thing happens, though this time I have the good fortune to land in the same room.

On the next attempt I finally make it through the room, though I have to skip killing some of the enemies. I only seem to start getting attacked after changing direction, which fits with the clues saying the A Bao A Qu attacks when you hesitate.

The ladder takes me to the room in which I first entered the Field, this time outside of the tube. The tube seems to be a foreground element - I'm able to climb the ladder behind it. There's probably a platform behind it, I should try to get to there and do some scanning. The clue reminds me of one from the Tower of Ruin:
Stele:Given this is the Goddess Tower, I wonder if bringing this model here would cause the statues to disappear?
The flying iron bird. Distressed at its travel, the goddesses depart.

I jump to the lower level and break the block that seemed so mysterious when I was in the little corridor. I thought it might hide a doorway, or something for the scanner. No such luck. I find nothing, and then get knocked off the tower again by the A Bao A Qu.

This gives me a chance to show off the movement of the cyclops' eye. Unfortunately the A Bao A Qu makes staying on the tower untenable, and I head back up.

I skip over the corridor room this time and reach the top of the tower. I break three suspicious blocks, but nothing happens. The altar reveals the full name of this place: The Tower of the Goddess. The wish of the mother, if I'm remembering the clues in the Mausoleum correctly, was to return to the skies. This must be the tower built by the giants to do that.

I finally manage to kill one of these guys without too much difficulty. When I do the block on the right disappears to reveal a door. Looking at it closely now, though, that doesn't actually happen until Lemeza falls down the shaft on the left. Maybe that's what actually triggers the door?

I enter and find another of the four sages. I think this is the third. I can't talk to them yet, so I leave and head left. Looks like there's another tower over here.

I take out the skeleton in the lower chamber, which tips my EXP over and gets me my VIT back, and then am struck again by the A Bao A Qu. Unlike in previous incidents though I'm able to kill it afterwards.

I backtrack slightly to reach the lower part of the room, where I fail to get the chest open but do manage to read the stele. I suspect clue relates to an earlier one:
Stele:The kind, mischievous fairy. The kind, lonely fairy. Her mischief is innocent. Innocent mischief will do thee no harm.This seems to suggest that Rusali is the one with the pure heart. But who is Rusali?

As I enter the next room upwards a block falls down into a corner from which it cannot be pushed. What's that about?

I manage this guy pretty well in the circumstances, I think. I have a tendency to ignore the subweapons that is really making things harder for me than they need to be.

Look at that! Much better.

Breaking the bricks gets me nothing, and I can't interact with the pushable block because of the corner it's in, so I head back down via the right side shaft.

I return and use the Lamp of Time to stop the block. It works, but I fail to achieve anything while it's stopped. I should try scanning underneath it. I wonder what will happen if it falls on me? Might be best to save before finding out.

I head back down and go right from the altar room. I've done this composite shot to mention something: the thing on the wall to the left of the altar looks like one of the water spouts in the Spring of the Sky. Am I going to be flooding the passageway surrounding the left side tower? That would explain how I might get higher up on that side.

In the next room I break a wall to reveal a ladder, which I immediately take to a room with a big scale in it. I think I remember this from the remake. This would have been a good time to go back and save.

As I enter the room, the exits are blocked. The stele gives the first clue - I've added a couple of older clues that relate to this puzzle. Basically I have to place a series of gems on the scales so that they're left balanced.

Going off my video, I spent about five and a half minutes with Lemeza standing like this while I figured out my plan (part of that time was spent calling up the old clues on my phone). There are seven jewels mentioned, so I have to figure out how to divide them into two evenly weighted groups (not so hard - there are two pairs that add up to 144, and one pair that makes 70 to match the purity jewel at 70 by itself), and also which colour matches which weight. Most of those are easy - joy goes with joyful, honest with honesty, but there are two that are less direct: the happy soul and the kind soul. I pair them with prosperity and love respectively, though I could be wrong. I eventually settle on:
1st group: Black (44) + blue (100) + milky (20) + purple (50) = 214
2nd group: Green (63) + red (81) + white (70) = 214
Though there are other ways to do it. I'm hoping the game will accept anything mathematically valid and not just one answer selected by the developers.
Looking at it now, I realise I've missed two factors: the left side of the scale looks to already have a jewel on it and is sitting lower than the right, suggesting I need to put more weight on the right than the left; and the picture of the jewels also features a human figure. Do I need to put Lemeza's soul on the scale as well? what does that weigh?

I step on the switch and the first gem appears. It's kind of a yellowish white, which I take to mean it's the joyful milky soul, weight 20. I push it to the left and the footswitch reappears.

Up next is the eloquent black, weight 44. That goes left as well.

Purple honesty, 50. Left.

Happy green prosperity, 63. That's the first one for the other side.

Loving blue kindness, 100. That's the last one on the left.

Red passion, 81. Another right sider.

Blue, 100. Hang on... I've already had blue! I push it to the right, because it's the last jewel and the right side is lighter, but the result is that the right outweighs the left and the balance is off. Looking again, the first "blue" jewel must be the white one (and looking again at the list of weights, the jewels appeared in the order listed and pictured on it, which would make the earlier one the white one). If so, then I've got 184 in total on the left and 244 on the right. I'm pretty steamed at this. That gem looked blue to me, even if I can now see that it's whiter than most. They should at least have made the actual blue one come out first so you wouldn't make this mistake. I'm still not sure if I need to deliberately put more weight in jewels on one side and make up the difference with Lemeza (I should have tried at this point, but I hadn't thought of it as a possibility yet), nor how I would figure out what Lemeza's soul weighs (maybe the thing at 2/-2 in the Mausoleum is a scale? I gave up on trying to reach it a while back, I should try again).
Maybe the puzzle will reset if I exit and come back?

I warp back to the Village, where Xelpud has some tower info, and back into the puzzle room. It looks like it's reset, but the obstructions to entry and exit have not. I'm pretty sure in the remake you only got one shot at this, and it seems to be the case in this version, too. There's only one thing to do:

Everything since I saved after leaving the Chamber of Extinction didn't happen. Sigh. Next time I'll have to redo it all, then save, and then take another shot at this.
Chamber of Extinction:

Tower of the Goddess:

I like how the statue at -2/0 appears to be holding the tower up on her sceptre. I wonder if, if I'm right about the statues disappearing when I come with the flying iron model whatever, the tower will fall down to the bottom of the Field?
"Have you found all the ROMS? Something good will happen if you do."
"The traps and tricks in the ruins are said to have been set by the Four Sages. They wait for you to come."
"The twin ruins are two and yet one. They look a lot alike but are really different. You'll have to figure out the difference."
"That tower moves by the power of water. Is it converted to hydrogen maybe? That's what the spring's for."
Guidance Gate:
"Eight souls rest in this land. The souls are those of the Guardians that protect these lands." "The sad tale of the giants. Their history is recorded therein." "In the temple of the Sun, a new trap fills a hole and conceals a trigger." ""Twin Guards" "Silent and alone" "Deliver a stone on high"" ![]() ![]() |
"Ye who has life. There is still time. Turn back. The confusion continues." "11 children guard Tiamat's chamber. The Grail is powerless therein." "You have done well in making it this far, wise one. Break through the final confusion." "This is the Confusion Gate. The path will open to the wise." "Is the one reading this tablet wise or a fool? I pray it is one that has wisdom." ![]() |
"So these ruins are those from a race of giants... I was just about to decipher their legend too..." "We are the second race born of the Great Mother. We were born to return her to the skies. This is the sad story of our race. Nine brothers led our race: Zeb, Bud, Migera, Led, Fut, Abt, Zi, Riv, and Sakit." "In order to hold up the Earth, Zeb stopped moving, and the remaining brothers split into two factions and fought amongst themselves." "Abt, Zi, Riv, and Sakit wanted the Mother to remain here on Earth." ![]() "The eldest, Zeb, could not move, as he had to hold up the Earth." "We could not grant the Great Mother's wish. I am the only one to remain, and here I go to my long, final rest. Abt" "Zi started praying to the Earth on a moonlight night." "On a day when the sun was bright, Led fell in battle. A large hole torn in his chest, he went into his long, final rest." "Bud went into a long, final rest on a night when the sky was full of stars." "To launch the tower, water was indispensable. Migera carried a lake to this land and expired in the effort." "Grieving for his elder brothers, Riv dug a tunnel from the lake to the tower to bring water to it. He collapsed in the effort and went into a long rest." "The youngest, Sakit, followed his own path. He locked Led's body, left power in his hand, and went into a long rest." "1 Sword, 2 Bodies, 3 Wishes, 4 Disasters. 5 Stars, 6 Moons, 7 Lights, 8 Paths. 9 Cups, and 0 which is Life." |
"Only thy own strength can get thee through this frozen land." "Art thou the chosen one or not? Proceed ahead. We wait for thee beyond." "The rogue that releases many lights. He who does not hold the silver shine is doomed." ![]() |
"Challenge the cavern of the inferno. It will be a long road. He who follows it should be prepared to die." "If there is a man, there is also a woman. "Summon the power of the twins. The twins are two and yet one. The twins are very much alike." "Sahete's understanding/clarity was born from The Mother" ![]() |
"This is the Temple of Moonlight. The lovely, female temple." "Changing water to power, the Tower flies up into the sky." "The sound of the flute is given to the pregnant woman." ![]() |
"The water that operates the tower. It flows here and is converted to energy." ![]() |
"This is a forbidden land that no one may enter. The place concealed beyond here hides a secret. Fly on golden wings."
"Migera and Fut created the lake. Riv was the one who guided the water to the tower. Seek what he points at."
"The model of the flying iron lump is a symbol of the desire for the skies. Attain it and the goddesses will leave this land in sorrow."
"This is the Tower of the Goddess. A place to grant the wish of the Mother."
"The mischievous Rusali. Yaksi, who beguiles men. Dakini, dancing enticingly. Only one of them has a pure heart."
"Ye who desires power, prove thy wisdom. Show thy ability to balance the souls and the power will be thine."

Inferno Cavern:
"Discover where the truth of this land lies."
"This is the Inferno Cavern. A place that was once a source of power."
"If you can't find something important where it should be, check the back."
"What is here is not everything. This is the critical location. Take another path and return to this land again."

Tower of Ruin:
"The kind, mischievous fairy. The kind, lonely fairy. Her mischief is innocent. Innocent mischief will do thee no harm." "The large earthen doll, It carries the flying golden key." "The flying iron bird. Distressed at its travel, the goddesses depart." "That which moves too fast to see. Even stopping time cannot stop its movement." "The people who created Nu Wa, those who imitate the power of the Great Mother. The power to create life. The power to create us. That wish goes unfulfilled." "The left eye sees Kindness." ![]() |
"If thou cannot go left, go right."
"A joyful soul is milky hued, an eloquent soul is black, an honest soul is purple, a happy soul is green, a pure soul is white, a passionate soul is red, and a kind soul is blue. Souls have colors."
"The Guardians lurk in the front. Places without them are the rear. This is the law of the ruins. Only the Infinite Corridor is an exception."
"Spriggan, the giant statue. Show hostility and he will awaken. Fight him more and he will return to sleep."
"There is a riddle Hidden between two murals. Concealed within the large one, it is summoned by the small. Challenge the riddle with golden key in hand."

Twin Labyrinths (Front):
"Cast a spell on the spirits that have the elixir. The Elixir gives shape to souls."
"The word of the black Onyx is "Eloquence." The word of the purple Amethyst is "Honesty." Gems have words attributed to them. Gather these words from the spider's web that connects the whole world."
"The King of Hell, Beelzebub. He guards the eight souls in front of the Mother."

Twin Labyrinths (Reverse)
"The priests lived in the ruins and guarded them. As they started to die, four of them turned themselves into stone, gained eternal life, and became Sages."
"The power to stop time. Time flows only for thee. That which travels too fast to be seen will also become visible."
"This was once a prosperous place. Many secret treasures are hidden within."

The Shrine of the Mother:
"Proceed from the correct path." "Endlessness and dimensions. With her great power, Tiamat bent the laws of both." "A land guarded by 8 souls." "The Sages will only show the path to the chosen one. At its end lies a great soul." "We were born of this earth. We were the seventh to be born. And we forgot our Mother..." "Through a ceremony passed down through the ages, the four Sages attained undying bodies." ![]() |
-Find Shorn Kosugi
-Figure out what the blue crosses do
-Find the Four Sages and talk to them
--Get the flute
-Clear each screen of enemies at least once
-Complete the software use and software combinations lists in the manual
-Figure out what the key fairy does
-Get all the ROMs
--Have something good happen
-Push the wall on a moonlit night
-Use the golden key on the small mural
--Solve the riddle in the large mural
-Return to hidden door at 4/2 with all the ROMs
Guidance Gate:
-Get the Jewel in the star at 0/-4 -Do something with the angels at 1/-3 |
-Open chest -4/1 (x3) -Enter door -4/1 (upside down) -Get past barrier at -5/3 -Push block to obstruct light at -5/3 -Summon Key Fairy at -6/3 and look for something to unlock -Reach the left side of Shu's blood shower head at -3/2 |
-Decipher the legend of the giants
-Do something at the upper left of 2/-2
--Try again with the Grapple Claw to reach it
-Do something with holy wall at 1/-1
--See if it's a weighing scale
-Seek what Riv points at (probably at 2/-4)
Graveyard of the Giants:
-Get something from chest at 1/-3 -Break the wall at 2/-1 -Scan stele: 2/-1 (x2) -Weight dais: 2/-1 -Open barrier: 2/-1 -Do something with fake spikes at -1/-2 |
-Scan steles: 1/-2 (several) --Do something at gap in top row of steles at 1/-2 -Solve all the puzzles -Do something with the wall that goes "ping" at the upper left of 3/-3 -Do something with the statue at 4/-2 -Do something with squiggles at 3/-3 --Bring the Woman Statue |
-Open chest at 0/-1 --Try the dais again -Open chest at 1/2 -Do something with the reproductive system image at 1/2 --Go to sleep inside the woman ---Get into the chamber at the lower right of 1/3 and drop from there to 1/2 -Get the statue in the room at 2/2 to say or do something --Go to it after getting the flute |
-Get the statue in the room at 0/1 to say or do something --Go to it after getting the flute -Reach the two circular objects in 2/0 -Break wall at 1/-2 |
-Read stele: -1/1, 0/-2, 0/-1, 0/0, 0/1, 1/-2, 1/-1, 1/1, 1/2
-Kill all enemies: 0/-2, 0/-1, 0/0
-Enter door: 1/-1
-Break wall: 1/-2
-Weight dais: -1/2, 1/-2
-Open chest: -1/-1, 1/-2
-Deal with the A Bao A Qu at 0/-1
--Get the Eye of Truth
-Check for hidden platform and hidden stuff behind small corridor at 0/0
-Scan altar at 0/1
-Reveal door at 0/1
--Kill enemy
--Drop down shaft on left of screen
-Talk to statue at 0/1 after getting flute
-Do something with falling block at -1/2
--Try scanning under it after stopping with Lamp of Time
-Activate water spouts at 0/1, 1/-1
-Reveal hidden ladder at 1/1
-Clear holy block at 1/2
--Balance the scales
---Find out what Lemeza (or his soul) weighs
Inferno Cavern:
-Reach the two rooms at the top left of the map
Tower of Ruin:
-Defeat the invisible enemy (probably at -4/1) --Get the medicine of life -Do something with the blue cross at -3/2 -Reach the fairies at -3/3 |
-Weight dais: 6/0
-Summon Palenque probably at 6/0
--Get the golden key
Twin Labyrinths (Front):
-Solve block puzzle at 3/-2
--Find way to push leftmost block to the right
---Break pinging wall above block
-Defeat Baphomet at 3/-1
-Break pinging wall at 2/-3
Twin Labyrinths (Reverse)
-Look at the 24K map
-Go up to another Field from 0/0 (or come down from another Field into 0/0)
Endless Corridor:
-Reveal and climb the missing ladder at 1/-1 |
-Do something past falling pillar at 0/4 -Remove eye blocks: -2/1, -1/3, 0/4 -Open chest: -2/4, room reached from Twin Labyrinths -Get Crystal Skull at -3/4 --Try the Lamp of Time -Weight dais: -3/4 -Do something at the platform at -1/2 -Do something at the box platform at -3/0 -Defeat Beelzebub at -1/1 --Open the core of La Mulana |
Death Locks:
-Temple of the Sun 0/-4
-Shrine of the Mother -2/4
Fairy Locations:
-Confusion Gate -6/3
-Temple of Moonlight 0/-1
-Spring of the Sky 3/1
-Chamber of Extinction 8/-3
-Endless Corridor 0/-2
-Athletic Land -Circus Charlie -Comic Bakery -Contra -Diviner Sensation -F1 Spirit -F1 Spirit 3D Special -Firebird -Game Collection 1 -Game Collection 2 -Game Collection 3 -Game Collection 4 -Game Master -Game Master 2 -Glyph Reader -Hyper Olympic 2 -Hyper Olympic 3 -Hyper Rally -Hyper Sports 1 -Hyper Sports 2 -Knightmare -Konami Baseball -Konami Boxing -Konami Golf -Konami Pinball -Konami Ping-pong -Konami Tennis -Magical Tree -Mahjong Dojo -Mahjong Wizard -Metal Gear -Metal Gear 2 -Pennant Race -Pennant Race 2 -PR3 -Q-bert -Quarth -Road Fighter -Ruins RAM 8K -Ruins RAM 16K -Salamander -Seal of El Giza -Shin Synthesizer -Sky Jaguar -Super Cobra -Video Hustler -Yie Ar Kung Fu -Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 ![]() |
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Next Time:
Part 33: Tower of the Goddess
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