Hello again. Last time, I go hold of the Life Seal. This time, I've headed straight to the Life Lock on the outskirts of the Village. Let's see what it's hiding!

Looks like three pots. That's... underwhelming. I bet they have something good in them, though.

I climb back up to take a look.

Is that it? The first pot contains twenty weights instead of the usual two, but still - disappointing.

I spend a while attacking the ceiling, scanning the area, rolling knives, and anything else I can think of, but if there's more to this alcove than meets the eye I'm not finding it. I head back through the Village and out the other side. Just to the right of the main entrance to the ruins is this statue. I haven't bothered going here in ages, but check this out:

With the Feather, I can jump over it! Doesn't get me anywhere, though. One thing with the Hand Scanner - it doesn't give any visible sign that you've used it. Nor does pressing down to activate a hidden dais. I can't remember if I did either of those things in this little space, and the video doesn't tell me. I'll add them to my list.

I return to the Guidance Gate to start looking for treasure. In the first room I learn that I can stand on the lintel of the entranceway. Looking at it now, there are six angels in this room, if you count the two on pillars which I see no reason not to do. Checking my map, this looks to be the only room with six angels in it. I should check here more thoroughly next time.

I wander around the Gate for a while, moving in front of Angels with no effect. I thought maybe the Amphisbaena image, or its room, or the four angels on a wall would be hiding something. I find nothing. Then:

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Have I at no point tried whipping that jewel? Really? *facepalm*
At least I can take it off my list. The "you did a thing" sound played, but what has it changed?

I head up to the invisible door, thinking maybe it will have made a ladder appear in the shaft in the first of these images, or maybe made the switch in the second one open the chest instead of activating a trap, but neither thing has happen... hey... what's that in the first image?

A moving platform has appeared. I'm, like, 90% certain this wasn't here before I whipped the jewel. This must be the intended path to unlock Amphisbaena! I thought I was gonna have to wait until I finished the LP and started looking up spoilers before I figured that one out.

Out of ideas for the Gate and the Treasure, I warp to the Chamber of Extinction. The plan is to summon the key fairy again and see if it'll open up the ladder that's absent from the third screenshot here... wait a second!

That ladder was definitely not there last time I was here. I guess unlocking the Life Seal must have made it appear? Unless that's the actual benefit of breaking the Life Lock in the Village. Let me just revert to an earlier save for a minute: unlocking the Life Seal doesn't do it... taking the Life Seal doesn't do it... opening the Life Lock in the Village doesn't do it... what else did I do in between now and the last time I was here? Let me check the LP and try again: whipping the jewel in the Guidance Gate doesn't do it... buying the Dragon Bone... makes this ladder appear! That is fortuitous timing (2020 Comment: As mentioned in the previous post, I missed adding the clue on the stele here to my list. It says that the Dragon Bone "will lead you to the core of this land", which is clearly a direct clue about this).

I head up the ladder. The symbol next to it looks like the glyph for nine, which I guess makes it the last front Field. The numbers next to the Field entrances correspond with the number key you press to warp to them. In order:
0: The Village
1: Guidance Gate
2: Mausoleum of the Giants
3: Temple of the Sun
4: Spring of the Sky
5: Inferno Cavern
6: Chamber of Extinction
7: The Maze
8: Endless Corridor
9: Wherever this is
Let's check the stele:

Uh... sure.

I take out the two skeletons. There's no obvious reward.

I take one of the platforms up, but don't get far. The eye symbols seem to block Lemeza's movement.

I spend a while trying to jump through or break the eye symbols, but get nowhere. When I was playing, I wasn't able to get a good look at this room because I would only be in it briefly before falling back to the room below, but now that I can take a clear look, those eyes look like the symbol that appears when you beat a Guardian, and the picture on the left looks like Bahamut. A clue?

Unable to proceed in the Ninth Field, I head back to the absent ladder in the Inferno Cavern to see if it has now appeared as well. No such luck! The story is the same in the Temple of Moonlight.

I head for the Endless Corridor. I stop by the room where I first met a fairy, thinking I might get some info about the fairy who stole the Treasure, but it's empty. Then I head for the Life Lock.

Oh. A doorway. I was expecting a ladder leading downwards to the rest of the Corridor. Oh well. Let's take a look:

OK, I thought I was disappointed by the Life Lock in the Village, but this is ridiculous. A shop that doesn't even sell a key item? What use is that? (Looking back at an earlier update, there was a Lock in the Spring of the Sky that also was only hiding a consumables shop, so I guess there's precedent)

I was really expecting the Life Seal to open some doors for me, but it doesn't seem to have. I pause the game and check my to-do list for anything I might be able to do that I've missed, then decide to go for the elephant in the room: Bahamut. By coincidence, it looks like I might need to beat it to get any further in the Ninth Field, but I've only figured that out while writing this update. When I was playing I hadn't noticed it.

On the way there I'm distracted by a shiny spot and wind up summoning the key fairy to see if it can unlock the underwater gate in the Spring (nope). Then, while I've got the fairy, I head for the missing ladder in the Inferno Cavern. Unfortunately, the fairy disappears almost as soon as I enter the room. If I'd made it slightly quicker, would it have unlocked the ladder? No way of knowing.

I continue to struggle with the climb to Bahamut's lair.

Eventually I make it, activate the Ankh, and face off against the beast again. Compared to my previous attempts, I've got more VIT and way more Shuriken. I should be able to do it this time.

I don't make a brilliant start, it is fair to say.

All that extra VIT is really helping me out. I'm playing pretty poorly, though I am landing a few hits here and there.

Some you win and some you lose. It seems like there's a lot of luck involved - you have no control over where the boat is, and there's nowhere else you can stand. How am I gonna hit Bahamut from below?

Like so! I take a hit in the process, but I get a few flares in. I wonder if people who are good at this game can do this fight without taking damage?

I continue to take and land hits for a while. I'm starting to get low on VIT!

But that's OK, because the two flares in that last screenshot turn out to be all I need to finish the job. The spark reappears, along with the eye logo, as Bahamut's lifeloss body drifts past Lemeza. Have I done the right thing here? It was probably an endangered species. Anyway, the screen fades out and back in on the waterfall at the right side of the Village.

I fall down the waterfall to its base. You might remember that there was a door one screen to the left of here. Now that I've beaten Bahamut, I expect it will have opened, and with it my path into the Reverse Spring outside that little corridor.

Nope! What the what? I remembered from playing the Wii version that the Bahamut fight drops you in the waterfall, so I fully expected that this door would open when I beat it. Looking at it more closely, though... that's the glyph for five, not four. This door must open when I beat the Guardian of the Inferno Cavern. So where's the door that killing Bahamut opens? Let me check my maps: there is no door that I can see in the Spring. But... there is a door at the lowest level of the Tower of Ruin with the glyph for four over it. Maybe that'll be open now?

I save my game, which at the time I thought was taking a chance since I've been trying to leave Guardians alive where possible and I didn't seem to have gained anything by killing Bahamut (not yet having realised about the door in the Tower of Ruin and the Bahamut Picture in the Ninth Field). I return to the Spring and run around to every screen checking for a door. I don't find anything, though I do notice that the Ankh room has an exit at the lower left now. Let's try it out:

It takes me to the same place it did after killing Bahamut. No surprises there, I guess. I'm not able to go back to the Spring from here.

I stop by the hidden hut while I'm in the area, but it's closed now and I can't get in. I guess if I manage to find all the ROMs it'll open again.

Then I save and quit. Again a fairly short update, but forty-odd minutes of play. I seem to be running out of things to do, though I've certainly found a few more to try next time while writing this update (the angel room in the Gate, the door in the Tower, the entrance to the Ninth Field). Hopefully they'll open things back up for me.
Ninth Field:

"Have you found all the ROMS? Something good will happen if you do." "The traps and tricks in the ruins are said to have been set by the Four Sages. They wait for you to come." |
"Eight souls rest in this land. The souls are those of the Guardians that protect these lands." "Offer three sacrifices to the heavens." "The sad tale of the giants. Their history is recorded therein." "In the temple of the Sun, a new trap fills a hole and conceals a trigger." ""Twin Guards" "Silent and alone" "Deliver a stone on high"" ![]() ![]() |
"Right. So you see, this mischievous pixie hid my precious treasure. Before she disappeared she left this pepper behind and sang this ridiculous song: "Six Angels whisper that the inviting guardian swallowed the treasure. How will you get it back? What will happen if you do?" If you get back the treasure I'll give you 500 coins...achoo!! Looks like the pepper got in my nose. Here, take it. Go and find my treasure!" |
"So these ruins are those from a race of giants... I was just about to decipher their legend too..." "We are the second race born of the Great Mother. We were born to return her to the skies. This is the sad story of our race. Nine brothers led our race: Zeb, Bud, Migera, Led, Fut, Abt, Zi, Riv, and Sakit." "In order to hold up the Earth, Zeb stopped moving, and the remaining brothers split into two factions and fought amongst themselves." "Abt, Zi, Riv, and Sakit wanted the Mother to remain here on Earth." ![]() "The eldest, Zeb, could not move, as he had to hold up the Earth." "We could not grant the Great Mother's wish. I am the only one to remain, and here I go to my long, final rest. Abt" "Zi started praying to the Earth on a moonlight night." "On a day when the sun was bright, Led fell in battle. A large hole torn in his chest, he went into his long, final rest." "Bud went into a long, final rest on a night when the sky was full of stars." "To launch the tower, water was indispensible. Migera carried a lake to this land and expired in the effort." "Grieving for his elder brothers, Riv dug a tunnel from the lake to the tower to bring water to it. He collapsed in the effort and went into a long rest." "The youngest, Sakit, followed his own path. He locked Led's body, left power in his hand, and went into a long rest." "1 Sword, 2 Bodies, 3 Wishes, 4 Disasters. 5 Stars, 6 Moons, 7 Lights, 8 Paths. 9 Cups, and 0 which is Life." |
"Only thy own strength can get thee through this frozen land." "Art thou the chosen one or not? Proceed ahead. We wait for thee beyond." "The confusion is endless. The Endless Key lies within the confusion. On top of the same word." "The rogue that releases many lights. He who does not hold the silver shine is doomed." ![]() |
"Challenge the cavern of the inferno. It will be a long road. He who follows it should be prepared to die." "If there is a man, there is also a woman. "Summon the power of the twins. The twins are two and yet one. The twins are very much alike." "Sahete's understanding/clarity was born from The Mother" ![]() |
"This is the Temple of Moonlight. The lovely, female temple." "Changing water to power, the Tower flies up into the sky." "The sound of the flute is given to the pregnant woman." ![]() |
"The water that operates the tower. It flows here and is converted to energy." "Walk down the infinite corridor. Beyond it lies everything." ![]() |
"Strange, these ruins are strange. This shouldn't be a dead end..." "Discover where the truth of this land lies." "This is the Inferno Cavern. A place that was once a source of power." "If you can't find something important where it should be, check the back." "The imprisoned twins. The man that runs faster than anyone will free them." "What is here is not everything. This is the critical location. Take another path and return to this land again." ![]() |
"The kind, mischievous fairy. The kind, lonely fairy. Her mischief is innocent. Innocent mischief will do thee no harm." "The large earthen doll, It carries the flying golden key." "The flying iron bird. Distressed at its travel, the goddesses depart." "That which moves too fast to see. Even stopping time cannot stop its movement." "The people who created Nu Wa, those who imitate the power of the Great Mother. The power to create life. The power to create us. That wish goes unfulfilled." "The left eye sees Kindness." ![]() |
"If thou cannot go left, go right." "A joyful soul is milky hued, an eloquent soul is black, an honest soul is purple, a happy soul is green, a pure soul is white, a passionate soul is red, and a kind soul is blue. Souls have colors." "The Guardians lurk in the front. Places without them are the rear. This is the law of the ruins. Only the Infinite Corridor is an exception." "Spriggan, the giant statue. Show hostility and he will awaken. Fight him more and he will return to sleep." ![]() |
"Release the twins." ![]() |
![]() |
"Proceed from the correct path."
-Find Shorn Kosugi -Find the Four Sages and talk to them -Clear each screen of enemies at least once -Complete the software use and software combinations lists in the manual -Figure out what the key fairy does --Take it to one of the missing Field change ladders -Get all the ROMs --Have something good happen |
-Go through invisible door at 4/1
--Defeat Inferno Cavern Guardian
-Return to hidden door at 4/2 with all the ROMs
-Scan and check for hidden daises behind statue at 2/1
Guidance Gate:
-Open treasure chest at -2/-2
-Reach and press floor switch at -2/-2
-Go through invisible doorway at -2/-2
-Scan skeletons: 2/-2 (upper)
-Get the Jewel in the star at 0/-4
-Do something with the angels at 1/-3
-Search for the treasure at 0/0 where there are six angels.
Confusion Gate:
-Weight daises: -1/0, -1/2, 0/0 (several)
-Scan stele: -4/2 (x3), -1/0, -1/1, -1/2, 0/0
-Open barrier: -1/0
-Scan skeleton -1/0
-Open chest -4/1 (x3), -3/1
-Enter door -4/1 (upside down)
-Break wall at -4/2
-Push block to climb ladder at -4/2
-Get past propeller at -1/2
-Find the treasure for the person at -1/2
--Use the pepper somehow
--Try the Angel gargoyles in the Guidance and Confusion gates
--Try fairies at Tower of Ruin -3/3
Mausoleum of Giants:
-Decipher the legend of the giants -Do something at the upper left of 2/-2 --Try again with the Grapple Claw to reach it -Do something with holy wall at 1/-1 |
-Get something from chest at 1/-3 -Break the wall at 2/-1 -Scan stele: 2/-1 (x2) -Weight dais: 2/-1 -Open barrier: 2/-1 -Do something with holy block at -1/1 --Try to reflect enemies' attacks with Silver Shield --Get into shaft at right of -1/1 from -1/2 somehow ---Break floor in -1/2 -Do something with fake spikes at -1/-2 |
-Scan steles: 1/-2 (several) --Do something at gap in top row of steles at 1/-2 -Solve all the puzzles -Do something with the wall that goes "ping" at the upper left of 3/-3 -Do something with the statue at 4/-2 -Do something with squiggles at 3/-3 --Bring the Woman Statue |
-Weight daises: -1/0 -Break all the bricks in -1/0 -Head through door at -1/0 to other Field -Unlock and take the path to another Field at 1/3 -Open chest at 0/-1 --Try the dais again -Open chest at 1/2 -Do something with the reproductive system image at 1/2 -Get the statue in the room at 2/2 to say or do something |
-Get the statue in the room at 0/1 to say or do something
-Reach the two circular objects in 2/0
-Break wall at 1/-2
Reverse Spring
-Reach the stage outside the small corridor at 0/0 -Kill all enemies at 0/0 -Scan space where brick block was at 0/0 -Attempt to enter potential hidden door where brick block was at 0/0 -Read stele: 0/0 |
-Unlock and take the path to another Field at -2/1 -Reach the two rooms at the top left of the map |
-Find hidden doorway in -4/2
--Break upper middle wall
-Defeat the invisible enemy (probably at -4/1)
--Get the medicine of life
-Stop time in -4/1
-Weight dais in -6/2
-Do something with the blue cross at -3/2
-Interact with the computer in the room at -3/2
-Reach the fairies at -3/3
-Check if invisible door at -3/-1 has opened since I beat Bahamut
--Go through it if so
Chamber of Extinction:
-Reach the rooms at the upper right of the map
The Maze:
-Release the twins -Figure out the layout -Go through the Twins' Gates --Acquire the Twins' Souls |
-Explore the Endless Corridor --Find a way into the rooms below the top floor |
-Come back after beating Bahamut and try to get past 0/1
Life Locks:
Death Locks:
-Temple of the Sun 0/-4
Fairy Locations:
-Spring of the Sky 3/1
-Chamber of Extinction 8/-3
-Temple of the Moon 0/-1
-Athletic Land -Contra -Diviner Sensation -Firebird -Game Collection 1 -Game Collection 2 -Game Collection 3 -Game Master -Glyph Reader -Hyper Olympic 2 -Hyper Olympic 3 -Hyper Rally -Hyper Sports 1 -Konami Pinball -Konami Tennis -Magical Tree -Mahjong Dojo -Mahjong Wizard -Metal Gear 2 -Pennant Race -Pennant Race 2 -PR3 -Q-bert -Quarth -Ruins RAM 8K -Salamander -Seal of El Giza -Shin Synthesizer -Sky Jaguar -Super Cobra -Video Hustler -Yie Ar Kung Fu ![]() |
![]() |
Next Time:
Side update: Let's Play the Yimothy Way; or, Let's Play Let's Play La-Mulana
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