Time for Round 10: Ice Castle! Oddly, only the floor and roof are made of ice. The walls are brick. And a fair portion of the floor is lava. Must be a heck of an air conditioner in this place. Onwards!

Aww nuts. Why does everything I do go wrong? Man, can I even jump high enough to get out of this pit? That’s pretty harsh, WBiML.

Oh. Never mind.

I’m killing MINI-DEATH MASTERs in one hit now. That bit of cash is nice. Actually at this point I need to start thinking about what I’m going to do with my money. I’ve got the best boots, armour, and sword, but my shield is a bit naff. I’m pretty sure there’s a shield shop in Round 11 that can hook me up, but I’m also missing my REVIVAL POTION, which is probably the more important item to replace. They cost 100G, which I have, but it’s also possible to get one as an enemy drop. I’ll have to think about it and spend carefully.

I hate BATS. You might notice I lost a LIFE HEART in the last shot. That’s the result of another trip into the lava.

This guy would sell armour if there were any left to buy. Instead, it’s all HELMETs, all the time. I actually thought this store would be selling a REVIVAL POTION, since I don’t have one, but no such luck. That takes some of the work out of deciding how to spend my money, at least.

Another BAT. This time I’ll do better!

OK, yes, he got me. It’s still better, though, because when I fell in the lava I was still flashing, so I only lost a little health. That’s strategy!

I’m gonna say that these guys are a little out of their depth. And the cash they drop proves it. That first one gave a paltry 1G. Lame.

Hope that money’s still there when I get out of the shop.

Ah, the shield store. This is what I’ve been waiting for. Sadly, I can’t afford either shield. Well, that saves me the bother of deciding which to go for, so let’s call it a win. I now know that in order to buy everything I want (the potion and the legendary shield) I need 450G.

JELLYFISH. In lava. This truly is a Monster Land.

They may be immune to heat, but I know their weakness: swords.

Well, thank goodness that’s over. I wonder what’s next?

MINI-COIN COLLECTOR! I’m short on cash as it is!

Screw it. I don’t wanna live anymore.

I sneak past the COLLECTOR with the invincibility I got falling in the lava. All part of the plan. I discover that the magic shop isn’t selling POTIONs. I’m starting to get worried, ‘cause if the magic shop isn’t selling them, I don’t know who will.

I screw up the plan by falling into the lava after I’d already lost 5G to the second COLLECTOR. What’s that CRAB doing here? Surely it’s both too hot and too cold for CRABs?

Maybe that’s why he goes down in one hit. Anyway, LARGE HEARTs are always appreciated.

Great, an OCTOPUS. These guys are as hard to hit as ever.

Got ‘im!

The PYTHON guards the entrance to the shoe store. That can’t be good for business, but I guess if you set up a shop that only sells WING BOOTS in an Ice Castle you can’t really expect much.

I finally get something right and kill this OCTOPUS quickly.

Now all that’s left between me and the boss is that MINI-COIN COLLECTOR.

Actually, he’s not between me and the boss at all. Ha ha!

The deadly SNOW KHONG! He looks kind of familiar.

I advance bravely, clearly the wrong move in this situation.

Once again, my post-injury invincibility allows me to get a hit in.

I get greedy, and the KHONG gets away.

I pursue, and score another hit. If I can get him backed into the corner, I should be able to just keep hitting him.

Or that could happen instead. Either way, really.

Once again I give pursuit, and land another blow. How do you like that, KHONG?

Not so well, I take it. What a baby! Only three hits. Here, I’ll give you something to cry about.

Fine. Be that way. I’m taking your money.
Actually the reason he went down so easy is I got a GAUNTLET from the first OCTOPUS, doubling my attack power. I just

And that’s Round 10! Probably the shortest level since the first, and the only one without a bar. I got a nice bonus on the round clear screen. Not where it says “ROUND BONUS” though, there was none of that. When I got the points for my leftover life, it put me above 400,000. That means an extra life heart! I've now got the highest max HP possible.
Bonus material:

That damned dirty ape.

The map. Starts in the top right, finishes in the lower left. Click on it for a full-sized version.

Next: Round 11
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